i’m (f21 and my bf (m24)

we don’t live together but he’s mostly at my apartment and whenever i clean i expect him to not make a mess and clean after himself right like anyone would?? so whenever i tell him ‘i cleaned today so please don’t make a mess’ he gets so mad, calling me annoying and thinks i’m ‘nagging too much’ like i wouldn’t ‘nag’ if he just did his part and didn’t leave his disgusting dishes everywhere and throwing all his clothes wherever and throwing his jacket on the TABLE?? like fucking hang it up? and whenever he cooks, he just leaves it like that, looking like a mess and i’m always there to clean it up after him :))
he’s like ‘i’ll do the dishes and i’ll fix everything this time’ but he never does it and ALL he does it clean the floor and whenever i mention it, he ofc gets mad and says he cleans the floor like wow u want a medal? then i get furious and just do it myself bc i like to keep thinks clean but him and his big disgusting ass dog can’t keep things clean for shit.

my bf is really toxic and abusive and i swear he’s literally fuckeddddd and he does so many things that makes me so mad so he keeps calling me the toxic one?? all i want is to have it clean and live in peace!! the audacity to call me toxic, i know i’m far from perfect but i would never hit my partner and choke them to ‘make them scared’ just bc they make me mad like he does! so who’s really the toxic one,? it’s like he’s blind to what he does to me and he keeps telling me ‘you’ll never find anyone better than me babe’ i’m sure there are men out there that wouldn’t put their hands on me in a violent way. but he would never understand or see any problem with this, to him i’m just being toxic and dramatic help i’m so tired of this, i do love him and he can be really nice and treat me well at times,

but he tries to make me believe that i can’t live without him when i know i can?? like shut up

  1. I’m not saying you don’t deserve advice for this, but your post history from the last month includes more abuse and rape.

    Please focus on the help you need. If you don’t know your local agencies, at least in the US you can call 800-799-7233 or text START to 88788.

  2. You know you can live without him. You know he’s toxic and abusive. And he thinks you are his maid.

    You don’t live together. Dump him now, block him on all media & change the locks if necessary

    All abusers can be nice sometimes. It’s how abuse works. Otherwise they’d never keep victims around. End this.

  3. Take a good hard look at what you just wrote. Read it as if someone else wrote it. That man is no good. He’s mean and lazy.

    ‘You are worth so much more than this. At this point, who cares about him being a slob when he’s an angry brutal slob. He hits you. He chokes you. He treats you like a slave. He will NEVER appreciate you, NEVER. And sadly, when you finally realize you are worth more than this and ditch him, he will fine another woman just like you. That’s how little society values women, and how little we sometimes value ourselves.

  4. There are MANY and PLENTY of Men———-Who happily clean up after themselves!!!!! I am currently living with an Ex(Family like yet and Biz partner)who is as organized and Neat and Clean and Me!!!! He even cooks!!!!! You are an ENABLER with this guy and you need to stop it. Either Tell Joe he needs to start cooperating or Stay Home. I am not seeing you living with this guy down the dark road of destruction.

  5. You’re ranting like you can’t do anything about it. You know you can leave, right? You’re not stuck with him. Leave him, he’s clearly abusive.

  6. you can so better. he doesnt clean up because he knows you will follow behind him cleaning. How long are you going to spend wiping his a$$.

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