I have been dating my boyfriend for a little over a year. He is about to graduate college and I am a sophomore. We go to different schools about 40 mins apart. We are both STEM majors so we are busy with schoolwork during the week and FaceTime every night. We usually see eachother about 2 times a week and recently I haven’t seen him in 2 weeks because I went home for spring break. He has been really quiet with me this entire week and I confronted him about it and he expressed that he is experiencing emotional burnout from the relationship. He says that he wishes that he could see me more and that I have not made as much effort to go and see him. Which is true he come to pick me up into a city and we hangout. He also says that he feels sad because there are things that he wishes he could do but he can’t because we live far away and it’s making him emotionally drained because he loves me so much and it hurts that he can’t wake up next to me.he also says that he feels that he sometimes has to choose to come home early to call me on FaceTime (I go to bed early cause of early classes ) or hangout with his friends somedays. This hurts my heart so much because I love him and care about his emotional and mental well-being. Over the year of knowing him, he has grown emotionally and mentally tremendously. He says that he might need a break from the relationship or that we might just be not right for eachother. I think that this in culmination with the fact that right now he is graduating college, applying to full time jobs, buying a new car, trying to move out of parents house, while working at the same time is stressing him out too. I think he is spiraling himself into this hole but rn we are 160 miles away and I don’t want to trigger right now. I want to support him. We are going to talk in person about this on Monday. How can I support him, I want to come at this as a team not as two separate people. Of course in my mind the last thing I want to do I take a break, what can I implement or say or do to try and fix this situation. Please help

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