How do you feel about Elon Musk buying Twitter?

  1. I could care less what a billionaire buys. I don’t use Twitter. Its not free speech so could care less

  2. robber barons gonna robber baron.

    Pretty sure he’ll get 45’s account unblocked, so there’s _that_. 🙄🤬

  3. Don’t really care. And I use twitter. Tbh I don’t really know what it means, if it will change twitter then Imight care more, but I don’t even know or care who owns twitter now

  4. Absolutely insane to have a person own what is essentially a public town square. I don’t use Twitter either, but I really think it’s a dangerous precedent to know that rich people can literally just own a platform and do whatever they want with it.

  5. Well, fiddlesticks. I was going to buy it for 50 billion.

    I was roughly 50 billion short on funding, though.

  6. Twitter is filled with people who love the smell of their own farts; I couldn’t care less who owns this shitshow.

  7. I’m definitely concerned about it. I use Twitter regularly and am not looking for the platform to allow more nutcases to tweet.

  8. I don’t care. Though he’s one of those people where, if negative stories started coming out about him, I wouldn’t be surprised

  9. I suspect it’ll be even more of a dumpster fire than usual, and I’ll continue to be glad not to be active on it. I suspect far more hate speech will be allowed along with far more misleading news, bad science/medical info, hateful conspiracy theories, and dubious political information. He’s mad that Twitter had been developing some standards and boundaries for content, so my guess is that his plan is to remove those and let the hate flow.

  10. I’m very active on twitter and I really don’t care much. Musk sucks, I hope it was a bad investment for him, but literally anyone with the means to buy twitter is a shitbag so it’s kinda whatever to me. I wish we had a social media platformed owned by the people collectively instead of one rich dude.

    I am however irritated that the communities I am active in all want to leave but don’t actually have plans for where to go and suspect I will lose some connections that are like, not important enough to put active effort into maintaining but are people who I like interacting with once and a while anyway.

  11. I’m not gonna go up in arms about it. I used to love Twitter. I’ve since deleted it because I want to try weening myself off of social media. It’s not like I’m being forced to frequent a social media site. So I don’t care who buys it.

  12. I’m more concerned he’s going to be “authenticating all humans” what does that even mean? All this meta verse and twitterverse thing is so scary

  13. I wish billionaires would spend their money on things that better society rather than feed their own egos. But then I don’t think they would be billionaires.

    Twitter is a cesspool and I don’t really care about what happens to it.

  14. The same way I feel about all the other dumb shit he does. He’s a fucking tool and it’s insane to me what a cult-like following he has…

  15. I stopped using Twitter personally before the pandemic that said it is crucial to my career so I think I’ll keep up with Twitter news. I don’t like the idea but he has the mula

  16. I don’t use Twitter but I don’t understand the purpose/reason behind him buying it. It just seems random and weird.

  17. I am concerned. There is alot of hate speech, bullying, xenophobia, and misogyny already on Twitter. I fear it will just become worse as anything will go, because hey it’s all free speech Right?

  18. I am extremely worried for some bizarre reason and I don’t know why. I guess I’ll just wait and see ….. I genuinely just think he’s a super villain

  19. I don’t think Musk is going to do anything to Twitter that will make it a more attractive platform for normal people, and most likely it will just get worse with more bots, more fake news, more conspiracies, more harassment, more politicians, and more stock inflation schemes. It feels like normal users are starting to leave the site, just like they did with Facebook years ago… I don’t think Twitter will be nearly as relevant in 5 years, but Musk will have made his money by then.

  20. Man could cure homelessness or end world hunger and still be rich as hell so I don’t give a flying fuck about him or any other billionaires

  21. Not impressed…not surprised. He could have done so many better things with that money….

  22. I do not have the mental energy to care even a little bit. I know I should care, but I don’t. I’m worn out.

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