What are some creative ways to say no?

  1. Allow me to lay your queries to rest. On the bones of my forefathers I cannot, and will not, entertain your request. Therefore I am left only to decline, though it pains me to do so….

    Or nah fam

  2. “Never. Not in a million years. Absolutely not. No way, Jose. No chance, Lance. Nyet. Negatori. Mm-mm. Nuh-uh. Uh-uh. And of course, my own personal favorite of all time, man falling off of a cliff. Noooooooooo!”

  3. Just make a disgusted look on your face and shake your head with a smirk. If they ask again do the slicey the throat gesture but use all your fingers and wave it back and forth (like you’re trying to saw your throat with an Asian hand fan. Don’t do the one index finger slicey the throat gesture, that one’s more reserved for when you want to intimidate.

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