I am a 24 yr old man and I’m having a hard time getting back closer to him and I want to trust 100% in him but it’s hard being an unemployed artist and yes I am perfecting my crafts but not having external validation that the things I’m doing is working or worth it is truly frustrating. Also because I am unvaccinated it is still hard to get something in my field so I’ve been…

I’ve been thinking about the entrepreneurial route but it seems like everyone my age is going this way and trying to separate myself from the pack and make money in a field that seems completely oversaturated is tough and I feel like I absolutely do not want to go back to that 9-5 minimum wage lifestyle. What should I do? I just need some sort of breakthrough.

  1. >What does relying on God/having faith mean to you

    I’m an atheist. Faith “means to me” accepting something *as* true, without any evidence at all, that it is true.

    >Also because I am unvaccinated it is still hard to get something in my field so I’ve been…

    You should get vaccinated, you are being a hazard to yourself, your friends, your family and the country.

    >What should I do? I just need some sort of breakthrough

    Find something you are happy with on a day to day basis that makes you a decent amount of money.

    I took a [Strong Campbell Interest Inventory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong_Interest_Inventory) exam at the counseling center on my college campus when I was very young.

    I kept a copy of the results all of these years and *everything* it said about me has been proven true over time.

    Basically, you answer a blizzard of personal questions. A professional ( psychology grad students in my case ) uses your answers to assign a code to your personality.

    You are then given a paper chart describing the various codes and careers people with those codes find REALLY interesting. Your strongest matches are highlighted for you.

    It isn’t an aptitude test. It basically tells you “you are this kind of person, based on our research other people like you find these subjects very interesting”.

    I’ve given this advice before, so I know that you can find a place to take the professional version of the test ( the web versions are crap ) in major metropolitan areas.

    I have no idea what the cost is, but taking the exam will give you a short list of things to try, with each item on that list having a higher likelihood of it being *”the thing”* for you.

  2. I am a Humanist more than anything, so god(s) play little to no role in my life. That doesn’t mean my life carries no meaning however, My actions and that by which I choose to care about gives meaning to my life. To me validation is just a fancy word for ego, if you can look at your masterwork, or your creations and feel inspired to grow or an emotional response or even a thirst for improvement then that is all the attention you need, from within yourself.

    As for a career, no one grows up wanting to be a tax lawyer. People choose to be a tax lawyer because it provides them the pay and freedom to have other interests and hobbies. Id say grind, find work that you can get good at and excel, and build your artistic reputation on the side, let inspiration flow naturally.

    Or don’t listen to me, I am but a faceless NPC online

  3. Much love. God is interested in getting you into heaven. If he was interested in getting you out of a rut, there wouldn’t be much in the way of free will left to go around. We know god tests people and sometimes pushes people over the edge, and sometimes people feel like they’re being tested and they jump for no damn reason.

    In short, you are never gonna know god’s will. God is above all of this. He already knows how the journey ends. He is at peace with the outcomes that you choose, and that life chooses for you. He expect your faith and love and promises nothing in return until after you die. You don’t know if he’ll shine a light on the right path or the interesting path or the hard path.

    So in short, God will help you when he feels like it. In the meantime you gotta take care of yourself.

    Art these days is basically a luck-based career. It’s possible to self educate in your downtime, you don’t need to buy art materials aside from an iPad, and people love to do it. Thus, the inflow of talent is huge and you should be feeling how hard it is to get noticed or get people to care. If you need career advice, I’ll be honest: don’t look down on good 9-to-5s. You could get training as a welder and make giga bank, and then work welding into your art for instance. Or you could work part time at a gallery if you do painting. Or you can work at Subway, that’s fine too.

    Money is important. You have to pay for stuff. Stuff is getting more expensive every day. These are not easy times. You cannot dodge this responsibility. I hope you make it. I almost didn’t.

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