When a piece of clothing has come out of the dryer and it’s warm I can’t put it on I hate the feeling of warm clothes on my skin so I hang my t shirt out the window so it’s nice and cold all my family love putting warm clothes on and think im a weirdo when they see me cooling my t shirt down just to put it on

  1. I don’t sit down to shit. I kind of squat over the toilet seat. I got into that habit years ago when my housemate kept leaving the toilet seat in a state, and I’ve grown to rather like it.

  2. I’ll eat anything for breakfast. Curry, roasts, stir fry, noodles, pizza, pasta. I’ll eat any food for any meal. Except I hate muesli, oats, cereal, coffee or any of that stupid crap. Yuck.

  3. I spread butter with the back of a teaspoon. It feels more precise than a knife.

  4. I put my ball sweat on shopping trolley handles to get a looser grip whilst I shop.

  5. I don’t use a bucket in the sink, or a dish dryer thingy. I hate them, it just looks dirtier.

  6. If I make a sandwich, I don’t cut it in half. Think it’s because of watching cartoons as a kid – sandwiches were always whole and I think it convinced me that they were tasted better if they weren’t cut.

  7. Always wear two pairs of socks, a soft inner and a presentable outer. Done it most of my life, always had a problem with sore feet when I was a kid and this seemed to solve it. No idea why.

  8. I don’t like wet food. It either has to be dry, or completely liquid (ie soup). People are always like “do you not want any moisture on that?” and it’s like “God, no. Dry food is good food.” Dry, salty and crispy is the best. The worst is absorbent food that’s got wet and soggy, can’t stand it!

  9. Stir pork scratchings into beans to make a meal I call “British Cassoulet”

  10. in the same vein as the comment about food i will happily down a can of coke/fizzy drink first thing in the morning and keep sipping throughout the day.

    i’ve personally never understood the argument against it? bad for your teeth maybe? personally never had a filling or crown ever and has never caused me any issue.

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