I (24F) have been single for pretty much my whole life. The last time i had a crush on someone was a few years ago. I felt frustrated for a long time as i wasn’t meeting anyone i was interested in romantically. I finally decided to really try and i got on dating apps a little over a year ago. I’ve been on so many dates, and i still just dont feel that way about any of them! I even recently gave one a second chance and went on a second date but that just confirmed how i felt. Are guys on dating apps just weird or something? I feel like so many of them have been kind of strange. The worst part is that its not even that im getting rejected, because at least that would be out of my control. I just cant seem to make myself feel anything for any of the guys i meet! All of my crushes these days are on celebrities or influencers. I see cute guys in public all the time but not often on the apps. I feel like i’m running out of time and going to be left behind since most of my friends have boyfriends and are starting to move in with them etc.

This feels so unfair. How the hell is everyone else meeting people by chance that are attracted to AND connect with??? Experiencing love just feels like a given to everyone else but i’m worried it wont happen for me.

To make everything even worse, i’m not comfortable being physically intimate until i really know someone. So im not sexually active. I feel like i’m just wasting my youth away!!!

Maybe before I wasn’t exactly ready for it, which is why nothing happened with my crushes. But now i KNOW i’m ready – i just cant find anyone i like like that. Has anyone else felt this way? should i just give up??

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