If you could choose one fictional character to be your personal life coach, who would you choose and why?

  1. Cristina Yang, she’d teach me how to care about myself more. I really lack self respect and courage and she had a ton.

  2. Deadpool. He’s just as messed up as I am in the body department, so I figure I’d be in good hands.

  3. Zaphod Beeblebrox. I need that delusional self-importance to get through the day.

  4. Gandalf or Atticus Finch; they’re both very wise, compassionate and defend the values they believe in.

  5. Abby, because I really could use someone coaching me for muscle gains and combat training.

  6. Not really a fictional character, but I once overcame a panic attack I had while alone by a chaotic city street, by picturing Brendan Fraser talking with me and helping me rooting and calming down and since then he’s been my go-to happy thought.

    Thank you, Brendan Fraser, for being my imaginary friend.

  7. Chrisjen Avasarala. She’s the best at delivering the hard-hitting truth and advice without sugarcoating it. She tells you what you need to know and also fuck your feelings just do this thing. I love her.

  8. Scarlett O’Hara. She is unabashedly herself and doesn’t think of niceties before going for what she wants. Always my favourite ❤️

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