Hello there! So… I’ve only ever given blowjobs, but I’ve found this guy and we’re planning on hooking up, lile full on, and… I’m like really nervous. I’m like genuinely questioning if I even want to do it, because I could imagine it and it could feel really good but also a part of me just doesn’t want to and I can’t pin down why. Is this normal? I mean… I know it’s probably something to do with the fact that it’s not someone I’m romantically involved, nor plan to be, with, but like… idk. Should I even go through with it? Should I tell him I don’t feel like it and that I’d like to wait or even cancel all together?

1 comment
  1. Sounds very normal to me. Just go with your gut, hook up when it feels right to you.

    I will say that you are going to have a great time. Maybe the first time will be awkward and scary but you’ll get through it and you’ll find that sex is a truly fabulous experience.

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