What is the most intelligent thing someone ever said around you, or to you?

  1. “Don’t be an idiot”, changed my life.

    Whenever I’m about to do something, I think, “Would an idiot do that?” And if they would, I DO NOT do that thing.

  2. If you find that you’re consistently the smartest person in the room, find another room to be in.

  3. My dad once told me, “Smoke all the pot you want, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it;…. And a little cocaine every once in a while won’t hurt you;… but stay away from that meth, it’s bad news.”

  4. “if you can’t see when the cost of winning is higher than the cost of losing, you’ll be a loser forever”

  5. Said “This is what I think that I heard” and then repeated what you just said in a different way so as to confirm that they truly understood you. This is known as “reflective listening” – very kind and useful tool of speech.

  6. “Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.”
    — Steven Winterburn

  7. I am not sure I remember where I heard it, but I have passed it on to my kids, and it is “know your audience.” There is a time and a place for most things, and knowing when to do it, and who to do it in front of is what is key.

    We actually started the lesson with swearing. Inevitably, they pick up words that they shouldn’t and want to say it. They learned real quick if they stub their toe and say a bad word in front of me, as long as it is in context and not excessive, it will slide. They also know if they say it in front of their teacher, grandparent, whatever, I will be right there going “well they sure didn’t learn that in church on Sunday.”

  8. A good friend once told me, “You know, you’re only as happy as your least happy child.”

  9. Don’t hesitate too much before choosing by fear of not taking THE right decision. When you are lost in life it’s like when you are lost in a forest. If you are changing every time the directions, turning around, etc, you’ll be stuck in the forest forever. If you maintain a direction, even if it’s not the quickest way, at least you’ll be out of the forest at some point.

    Really helped me during in my young adult life years.

  10. Anyone who claims to have all the answers is almost certainly trying to sell you something.

  11. “We can’t afford to buy cheap. Buying cheap is killing us.”

  12. Intelligent things I’ve heard? Dunno about that, I’ve read a few though. Somebody who can think the smartest idea and articulate it, that’s special. Probably bey something to do with isms, like the shitty state of capitalism or how archaic the education system is.

  13. A professor I had in “History and theory of translation”:


    “All language is fiction.”


    Enegmatic yet crystalizing. Reality is physical and all linguistic expression is a fleeting reference that exists in neither time nor space.

  14. Saying “I don’t know” is a good answer way more often than you’d think.

  15. My dad would always tell me to not concern myself engaging with idiots because from a distance no one knows which one the idiot is.

    Then I heard renowned street poet Jay-Z say it in a song when I was in high school and I knew it must really be true.

  16. “Do your best not to make your life more complicated than it really needs to be”

  17. Idiots think they know everything, intelligent people know they know nothing.

  18. “An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs..”

  19. _I think I read this somewhere instead of having it told to me but sharing anyways._

    When handling a heavy, bad situation, everyone goes through the *S.A.R.A.H. phases* – Shock, Anger, Resentment, Acceptance, Hope.

    Knowing where you or someone is within those phases helps provide the optimal emotional context. More importantly you know there’s almost always light at the end of the tunnel with hope.

    I’ve used this countless times when helping friends and family navigate the darkest of times, and I hope it could help any of you too.

  20. That having a cheerful attitude is a choice. Life will have its obstacles, and if you take them miserably, you only make yourself and everyone around you more miserable. If you take those obstacles with optimism and a cheerful demeanor, people will enjoy being around you, respect your attitude, and you’ll go through the same misery with much greater happiness. It absolutely is a choice, and a learned habit.

  21. If they can train a robot or a monkey to do your job they’re going to. And then pay you nothing.

  22. Something my parents taught me years ago, as CEO and CFO of a corporation: “take care of your people. The people will take care of you.” My dad is a naturalized citizen to the USA. When my abuelos died in Mexico, all the employees paid to have multiple flower arraignments at both funerals. My parents are ready to retire with my brother at the head, and he takes this lesson to heart.

  23. Dance like it hurts.
    Love like you need money.
    Work when people are watching.

  24. My 6 yo granddaughter told me “You gotta spell a lot of words right to make a book.”

  25. “Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want your grandparents to find out about.”

    Also “scared money don’t make money”

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