I was dating this girl and got ghosted. I sent a text to tell me what’s wrong and she said she wanted to be good friends. I responded it wouldn’t work out. Since then, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. I can’t feel attracted to anyone else. I’m going through a roller coaster of emotions. Part of me wants to beg for her to come back and another part of me knows that it’s not good for me to be with someone like that. Maybe I’m clinging onto the memories of our dates and creating a false image. I don’t know what to feel or think anymore. I get nauseous every time I smell the parfum I wore when we went out. I can’t focus on work or school.

  1. Happened to me multiple times now. When you value yourself and have an abundance mindset you stop caring and instantly realise its her loss. My motto when it comes to being rejected is “find someone better” good luck because I’d like to see them try. They might find someone taller or better looking but as an overall package and partner they won’t. You have to have this attitude, self love and respect for yourself then you will stop caring so much. Then guess what, she may come back one day and when she does you still won’t be that bothered and will probably have moved on by then. All the best

  2. Oooh your pain is visceral, my friend. Ride it out, don’t stop yourself from wanting her, eventually you will heal, but you may love her until your last breath. Same thing happened to me. I’ll never get over it completely

  3. We’ve all been there but the pain fades with time or when you meet another awesome person lol.

  4. rule #1 for dating in modern times as a guy, always be willing to walk away. girls do no like clingy or desperate guys. Girls don’t like to be treated as some angel.

    Based on what you said “cant stop thinking about her” “want to beg her” “roller coaster of emotions” It was doomed from the start. You can’t act like some desperate emotional filled thing that can’t live without her and expect her to respect you. That’s not how dating dynamics work

    My advice would be to get over her, and don’t let your emotions get wrapped up in a girl again. Especially a girl who isn’t your wife, and isn’t even your girlfriend. There is always more options and you need to internalize that

  5. Whatever you do, don’t beg. Stay away. Delete everything. Time will pass and it’ll be better. Distract yourself being productive. This advice feels like it sucks but it’s what has worked for me time and time again.

  6. We tend to want something we don’t have. It may even have something to do with the environment that you were raised in. For example for me, when a guy up and rejects me I naturally have an urge to beg him back, but I look back and realize it’s not even him that I want to beg back, it was my naturally survival instinct as a child being abandoned.

  7. This is me, the only difference is that the guy did it to me. Sometimes, we think it might be because we did or did not do something or that something is wrong with us. But the reality is it’s more of a ‘them’ thing. There’s nothing we can ever do to make them stay, if they have already decided on it.

  8. Dating is a hard thing to do. And I can understand how you feel. But the best thing to do right now would be to move on. If you keep being desperate, she would lose every interest she has towards you, then you wouldn’t have a chance ever. You need to show her that you can be whole without her. That you can have a life without her. Go on other dates, meet new people. When she sees that your life doesn’t just revolve around her, she might just come back.

    The best way to do this would be to be friends with the girl, or at least keep her in touch. This way she will know how your life is going. Although, she may have met someone who she thinks is better for her, then I don’t think you can do anything.

    For now, the only thing you can do is move on. You will be surprised how easy it is to do once you know how to do it. Love to you brother 🫶.

  9. Platonic friendships are the best. I made friends with a girl that wasn’t interested but we have a lot of similar hobbies. So chatting weeks later. The trick is to move them into a different category in your brain. Never consider them as a potential love or sex interest. Think about them as a gender you are not interested in. Then you get a cool new friend.
    Edit: set up rules for them. Sex is off the table forever, no flirting, no pretending that we might be a couple. You can give me relationship advice, but if you even try to sabotage a relationship of mine, we are done forever.

  10. Go beg for her to come back, then come back here and tell us what you learn from begging her back. We all know what’s going to happen, but if experiencing it is what needs to be done, then go for it. We’ll help get you back up, standing tall and confident again .

  11. It’s hard was talking to a guy for little over a mouth and it went to shit and we talk every day now back to talking to myself lmao

  12. Ay frerot dommage vraiement and tellement. Mais m ecoutes go out tonight and open your eyes relax and grab a drink dont pull your phone just observe people and their interactions specially couples. You will understand power dynamics, the one with the upped hand will have the most leverage and you want to be up there

  13. I get it but too many beautiful women out there, no point wanting someone that doesn’t want you.

  14. She told you she wanted to be friends and you said no, how is that getting ghosted?

  15. Do not reach out again. Delete her number and remove her from any social media and live your life like she never existed. You can never make someone want you and care for you. It’s either there or it’s not. You’ll find someone that will match your energy. And never give more than you receive. No use moping around for someone that has already moved on and forgotten about you. This dating game is heartless.

  16. Dude, it’s time to move on. Don’t waste energy on some girl who doesn’t want you and go find someone who does. Life is to short to sit there and ponder on old memories. Go create new ones.

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