So, I read a lot of psychology books and one of the things I read is that a person’s mental health or characteristics are to a large extent determined by many factors and the **economic status of the family is one such factor.**

I knew someone for six months and she had a really difficult life, so I wanted to be her bestie. But later, she turned out to be a real drama queen. **She would stalk my profiles, lack of compromise, always full of revenge and whatnot.**

I know there are lots of people out there who are emotionally and mentally mature. Did you as a guy experience this problem when you were involved with a girl who faced lots of adversity in her?

  1. Not good. Someone I was deeply involved with passed away from her struggles leaving a small child behind, the instances involving the child is the reason why we were no longer involved.

    It happened just a while ago. Very unexpected & very painful for me even if she was an ex. Everyday her death feels like she is breaking up with me in my heart. I’m probably gonna have to seek some kind of therapy. I can’t even tell my wife about it because she didn’t even want me to be friends with her.

  2. Awful, thought she would be a strong woman because of it, since I ended up a stronger man because of mine. Nope, she was pathetic and bitter. Sad because I really liked her.

  3. My ex-wife grew up poor, had very bad teeth which she was bullied for, watched her mom cheat on her dad for years and waste his money and destroy his credit score, and a few other small things.

    I thought she would be money smart, never cheat, and focus on more than looks. Man was I WRONG. She ended up being exactly like her mother.

    She got her teeth fixed, about 25k of work, for free because of her grandfather m, which garnered her kids of new attention. She never lived alone and leached on her dad. She rarely bought me presents or food or anything like that but was perfectly okay spending hundreds of dollars on makeup, while I spent hundreds on her.

    She cheated on me in several ways with numerous guys.

    So no. It was terrible. She also had a LOT of mental problems, namely that she was/is a narcissist.

  4. She cheated, and cited her past as an excuse. (Same as everyone else’s experience.)

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