It’s time for (hopefully) a positive change in a new direction but I have no idea what I want to do.

I’ve worked in the music industry, tech start ups, social media and community management (all pre covid). I had loads of fun but never got anywhere decent.

Since covid arrived I’ve been self employed, launched my own food business but it’s staying more as a side project for now. I’ve been working as a groundsman for a tree surgeon for the last 2 years and loving it, proper hard graft and I’ve never been happier but it’s not what I want to do forever.

I’ve got a degree, not afraid of hard work or anything challenging but I just have no idea what I want, nothing interests me or excites me for a job prospect. I’m based just outside north London but after years of working in London I don’t want to go back in.

Does anyone have any advice or experience?


Side note – the reason I’m changing careers is because I need more structure, thinking about starting a family with my gf, maybe buying a slightly bigger place etc.

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  2. Teaching or Civil Service are good stable careers which could be good for you . .

  3. I was going to suggest join the Merchant Navy but then I saw at the bottom that you have a girlfriend and want a family. Not really good if you want that very soon.

  4. Do you actually want a career? I felt the same way about work until a few years ago and ultimately realised that I’m just not the least bit career orientated. I get absolutely no enjoyment/fulfilment from working, I will never care about KPIs or NPS scores, I will never be enthusiastic about a product or service , and I don’t see any prestige in reaching a higher position.

    The answer for me was to find a job that maximised the amount of time off I received so I could spend time doing the things that do make me happy. I work 4 on 4 off now and usually work 8 days a month from june-august by using my holiday entitlement. Now I have an unbelievable amount of time to spend with friends and family and tinkering about in my various hobbies and projects.

    Seems what you want at the moment is contradictory in both wanting structure and the freedom to start a family and the like.

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