I’m going through it right now and I’m trying to distract myself however it’s really hard. I hate feeling sad and I just want to get out of this gloomy feeling.

  1. The problem is this is something deeply personal and soooo different for everyone. Some people need alone time to refelct some need party some time with their hobbys. Hard to say without knowing someone.

  2. I would recommend having a space of expressing yourself, be it music, therapy, journaling. Processing and bringing to light your emotions may avoid bottling it all up. After that, I would recommend starting your own adventures! Create new memories to substitute the old ones. Godspeed to you.

  3. Im really sorry and I feel your pain. Almost everyone has to experience this hell at least once in their life… Unfortunately the only way to get through the pain, is to go through the pain. The good news is that there is an end and you will come out stronger and with a renewed understanding. You will grow from it and you will make better choices in the future.

    For now focus on being kind to yourself, try not to keep bringing up the past or feel sorry for yourself. Redirect your thoughts to always looking ahead and staying optimistic. This should make your journey a lot less bumpy.

    Hang in there.


  4. Distraction ain’t gonna help you process them homie. You need to feel it allllllll. Give each thought you have a moment and let it sit there, acknowledge it – then make room for the next thought that rolls in. Each one gets to have its own space and consideration, but after it’s moment in the spotlight it’s time to move to the one.

    Nobody likes feeling sad dude, but those feelings belong to you and they’re how your brain is acknowledging and honouring what you’re going through and what you’ve lost. Let yourself feel the full extent of your sadness and your shame and misery and anger and disappointment and all those things that come with the end of of a relationship and let them tire themselves out until they become a distant memory.

    Let yourself get lost in whatever good feelings you can find right now too – and remind yourself every time you find them that if you can find them in a sea of misery, you’ll be able to find them always.

    It ain’t about distraction. It’s about finding your way through. I wish you the absolute happiest.

  5. Feel the pain, cry but keep busy. Channel that energy somehow. Learn a skill, hit the gym snd for the love of God, don’t hook up or get into another relationship u til you process everything and have moved on.

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