How do you stop yourself being so sensitive?

  1. If by “so sensitive” as you are offended by things you think you should be offended by, I would say building more confidence and being more secure would help with that. If you mean something like “I’m very aware of other people’s feelings”, nothing bad about that.

  2. Close my eyes and say to myself “I’m rubber, you’re glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you” over and over until I stop crying.

  3. 1. Realize you can get much further if you don’t showcase your bleeding heart to everyone.
    2. Identify a couple safe people you can be fully open and honest around.
    3. Fake it till you make it. Learn how to maintain a poker face when you’re hurt and not around your safe people.
    4. Convert emotions to logic. Instead of thinking how mad/sad/embarrassed people make you feel, think about how you can prevent that situation from happening in the future.

  4. I acknowledge that not everyone has to like me, agree with me, care for me or respect me.

    I make a list of the people in my life who’s opinions and thoughts resonate with me… anyones opinion outside of that (likely very short) list is not viewed as an enemy, but rather a neutral opportunity to learn from, to listen to… but not necessarily to adopt into my life or take personally.

    I acknowledge that I can take in information without neccessarily accepting it. Information can’t hurt me. Opinions can simply exist. Differences are what makes the world interesting.

    With enough practice, its amazing how many things can roll off your back.

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