I just can‘t take it anymore. Nobody can give me advice. Maybe some of you can. Excuse mistakes, english isn’t my first language. I‘m also crossposting to here.

Everything started around 2 years ago – I met someone through friends and we started seeing each other. We never made it official or anything, but it was really nice.
Skip forward a few months, he got sick. And things started to cool down and we kinda lost track of each other. We never ended things on bad terms or anything. Few months later I met someone who I‘m still with.
Me and my ex started to see each other more around town, he wanted to meet all the time but I didn’t give in.
Another few months later I find out he is engaged. I‘m just devastated. He is now married.
Important: Even though we live in Europe, we are not european and this was an arranged marriage and it was very sudden.
The thing is – there’s so much chemistry and he approaches me almost daily – trying to tease me and telling me I should take care of myself. He once asked me if I miss him.

I try to stay strong and we’ve never done anything but talk – but I feel like behind every word and every smile and every glance is more. I feel like we just lost each other and now we can’t do anything about that anymore. But we just can’t let go of each other. It feels like both parties are waiting for the other to come forward.
I really want to know if he‘s on the same page
but I‘m so afraid and nervous to talk to him, he gets to me like no one else ever did.

There are so many important details I just can’t even type out here but maybe you guys have some encouraging words and advice what I should do now.

TLDR: I can’t let go of my ex who had an arranged marriage and I think he‘s waiting for me to come forward with my feelings

  1. Do you want to let go? Here’s the easy way. Find his new wife, introduce yourself and let her know what the deal is. I guarantee you, he will stop pestering and flirting with you.

  2. Come forward and do what? Have an affair? If family/culture is so central to his identity that he entered into an arranged marriage, there’s no way this ends up with you being a legitimate partner. You’ll always be a side piece. And when children come, you’ll see him less and less.

    Get busy with your own life and lock this guy out of it. There’s no way this ends well for you.

  3. You’re in a relationship, he’s married. Let’s call this what it is at a minimum: an emotional affair. Cut him off before this blows up.

    He chose to get married – this isn’t right person wrong time because he is married. If he wanted to get a divorce and then reach out to you, he could.

    Break up with your partner, she/he deserves a faithful partner.

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