I’ve been trying at it for years and still suck at it at 25. I just had a group hang-out meeting at work today and I definitely spoke the least. Even when spoken to, I just ass-pulled a response because nothing came to mind.

Like when someone asks how was your day I resort to “yeah it’s been pretty good” and then reaching for whatever my brain can think of in the moment.

When it’s on the fly and I don’t have a sort of plan in mind or area that my brain is tuned to, it’s like my brain is “loading…” and by the time I’m able to jump into a conversation that I relate to or have a response for the questions, everything has long since passed and the conversation has moved on.

Not only is my brain to mouth speed slow as hell but I also just don’t connect in the moment at all despite my efforts to. So then I’m just existing, observing, smiling and that’s it.

  1. 100% just match the vibe with high energy and dont think just talk

    There is always a leader person. Support the thoughts of that person and he will allow you to speak.

  2. Something that I find helpful to say something that is quick but also meaningful is to take a quick breath. I’ll breath in, not loud enough to notice, then speak. It allows me give time for the other person to speak while not thinking about it to hard

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