Then you get tested and you’re negative. She tells you she didn’t stray and neither did you. Are you more cautious in the relationship as you don’t fully trust her? Or break up because you can never trust her again?

  1. Depends on the STI, and the circumstances.

    If they never had a reason to test before, and didn’t have symptoms, then they’d never know they were infected. This happens.

    If there was no test for it before, and now there is one, they could have been infected for years. (I know this happened with HepC)

    If I’m in a committed relationship, one incident with sketchy evidence is not enough to break things. I’m not going to ignore it, but I’m also not going to jump to assume she did anything wrong.

  2. Depends on the std and how long we have dated. If it’s a std that may have a lengthy incubation period and we have only been dating a short time then there may not be a problem.

    But if we have been dating for a good length of time, and the std has easily shorter incubation period with obvious symptoms, then it’s likely I’d be finished with the relationship without a complete explanation.

  3. She cheated. She’ll do and say everything she can to convince you otherwise, but she cheated. Cut the relationship off now and move on

  4. Middle fingers up and I’m out of this relationship faster then when US pulled out of Afghanistan. Trust Is sacred. Someone who breaks it once and gets away with it they’ll repeat it . I’ll leave her to grow the STDS with her new lover . Fucking WH$$$😒

  5. Many STDs can be undetectable, and can be asymptomatic and passed on to others. Though being asymptomatic decreases likelihood of retransmission it is not uncommon.

    This is basic evolutionary adaptation. As diseases mutate, the biological “winners” will be the variants that are more transmissible and less symptomatic. Virus do not want to “kill” their host or quickly show themselves because this makes them harder to transmit to other hosts and replicate.

  6. Follow up question, one or multiple? I mean the out come is the same dumping her, but at least get a good story out of it

  7. A good chunk of STIs take several months to show up. It’s why they recommend you get tested every 6 months, rather than every 3 weeks, when you’re sexually active. So the whole, “I got tested for STIs the next morning, it came back negative, and I dodged a bullet” thing is bullshit. It’s entirely possible she picked it up prior to meeting you, but didn’t have symptoms until afterwards.

    Unless she’s given you some reason to believe she’s stepping out on you, trust that she isn’t. If she were stepping out, and contracted an STI that was curable with a dose of antibiotics, there’s no reason for her to tell you about it. If I caught chlamydia or something from cheating, and could cure it without my SO knowing, thus me getting caught, it’s what I’d do.

    Be relieved she told you she has it, and be doubly-relieved it’s one of the ones that can be cured, and not herpes. I have herpes, and it’s not fun to tell prospective partners.

  8. Curable and for sure no cheating took place? Who cares. Get it sorted. Move on. Shit happens.

  9. “She tells you she didn’t stray”

    Do I believe her? She’s going to have to provide some innocent reason as to why she got the STD while we’re dating

    I don’t see many situations where this would be the case

  10. I would ask your doctor on ways it may have been transmitted. It may not have been a sexual encounter that was the cause. I learned this the hard way. My partner trusted me and we found the real cause. It may cause you to feel paranoid but let yourself calm down and talk it through with them.

  11. Lol so not only did she cheat, but she thinks I’m stupid too? STI = SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED disease.

  12. how long have we been together? sometimes symptoms don’t show up
    till months later apparently. she could have gotten it before me and i just didn’t catch it.

    likely if she was cheating and it was curable, she’d just cure it behind my back without telling me like my ex.

  13. I would put myself into detective mode. Is she showing any other red flags. Hiding the phone, blowing off dates etc., Ask the medical provider more questions about the STI. Then finally I would trust my gut – if all of it just feels off. I would walk away.

  14. She probably just got it from a hot tub or a toilet seat. She will be home late again tinnitus though. They are really pushing her hard at work.

  15. Mine has. She’s now my wife. She tested positive for chlamydia early in the relationship- no biggie there, symptoms often don’t appear for quite a while. She expected us to break up when she told me.

    Years later (now married), we were talking to a doctor about pregnancy and they asked about STIs, and it came up that we never had a follow up test, because around 10-20% of the time the treatment doesn’t fully work. Turns out she still had it. Funnily I never got it, despite very regular unprotected sex.

    I’m not saying trust your girl here. I’m saying STIs don’t NECESSARILY mean she cheated. Figure it out for yourself.

  16. Get tested, suspend sexual activity with her until well in the other side, notify my other sexual partners if I test positive, support her in her recovery, help her trace where she got it, and continue our happy ENM lives. Bring the hate.

  17. Depends on what it was and how long we had been together, so I’d put off making a decision until I’d done some research to see what the typical incubation time was between contraction and symptoms. Regardless I’d probably still be more paranoid about the relationship going forward and reexamine the past few months to see if there was any sketchy behavior that I overlooked

  18. First thing I’d do is check with a doctor about the incubation period of this specific STI. Compare that to the point where you two became exclusive and then make a call accordingly.

  19. That’s a major red flag and I think I’d probably be done with her after that.

    It either proves she is cheating and just not admitting to it, or she has a past that’s literally coming back to bite both of us in the but.

  20. That would tend to deeply wound or erode trust, if not completely destroy it, yeah.

    Way better to get both of your asses tested before you’ve been in a committed relationship for a long time.

  21. Depends on how long we’ve been together and which one it is. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea tend to show up within weeks. Others take longer.

  22. As someone who is celibate outside of marriage I would have several questions….

  23. She’s gotta go.

    You don’t just magically get an std. You gotta bump uglies with someone.

    She’s a cheater.

  24. This happened to me before, she got it from her previous partner who had been unfaithful. We just worked around it. I didn’t care.

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