Would like thoughts and opinions on this. Like the title says, my husband has almost an obsession with coming on me (face, boobs, in mouth) and I don’t know why but this “fetish” or whatever it is annoys me. Probably because he brings it up a lot even though I’ve told him I don’t like it. He’s always telling me during sex he can’t wait to come on me. He also always talks about coming in my mouth. I try not to show my disgust for it because I don’t want him to feel bad. But is this just a normal guy thing? What are some things I could say when he asks to come on me and I don’t want him to? The reason I don’t like it is the texture and taste (which he is well aware of.) Another thing that annoys me is during sex instead of just focusing on the sex he talks about how “I can’t wait to come on your tits or your face.” It literally bothers me because that always seems to be his main focus. I’ve literally told him during sex “I don’t want to focus on your come” but it doesn’t get through to him. Need some ideas of what to say without coming off as a bitch. We have a great marriage and this the cum obsession is the only thing that really bothers me…

  1. Just need to communicate it clearly, outside the bedroom. It’s a kink for him and maybe he has the idea that you’ll do for him because he would do for you, or worse, that is is your duty or that “all women secretly want to be treated like sluts” or whatever other nonsense he has divined form porn. I’d LOVE it if my wife would let me cum in her mouth, but she won’t so…. end scene. It doesn’t matter that I will gladly put myself in significant physical pain to give her pleasure. It DOES matter in the larger sense that your libidos or sexual limits may be mismatched, and that can cause resentment. Best to talk it out and figure out where you both stand, what you will and won’t do, what you like and don’t like, and what your limits are. If you are willing to do that once or twice a year on some special occasions, tell him that. If not, tell him that. It’s your choice what you do with your body and what you allow him to do with your body. Don’t give coy answers. Be clear and calm and honest.

  2. It’s not abnormal. There are a lot of porn videos that focus on the money shot which is what you are describing. The thing about fetishes is that they aren’t normal but it’s normal to have them.

    Best advice is to talk about it not in the middle of sex. Explain how it makes you feel and try to understand what he is seeking from it.

  3. I’ll admit I prefer cumming on my wife’s face and boobs. Maybe cause of porn when younger. But she is fine with it, and enjoys it. But ya, it’s normal. I say some of the same things during sex, but my wife gets into it too. All my guy friends talk about it. Most wives aren’t into it though.

    All I can say is talk to him about it, and find out a way for you to be happy during sex.

  4. This is as normal as the day is long. Guys are visual. He gets off on the visual. Just a kink. It is his way of spicing it up. After all, vanilla sex gets boring.

    I forgot to add, my wife loves the smell of my cum. Ejaculating on her chest or face is A ok with her. So, yeah, everyone has their kink.

    And to add…ejaculation on the face or boobs really helps with not getting pregnant. So, we go that going for us.

  5. I don’t feel it’s abnormal for a man to have an interest in it. I’m a guy and I have some interest in that kinda stuff. However, the concerning thing is that you’ve told him multiple times you don’t like it, and he continues to bring it up. Many years ago, I asked my wife if I could try cumming on her face. She told me she wasn’t into that, I said “okay”, and never brought it up again. He really needs to respect your wishes and stop trying you to do something you’re clearly not interested in.

  6. Key word her porn, seems to me your husband is watching this on porn , and it on his fantasies list , occasionally for something different fine but every time , I would set him down and have a honest conversation about this he might even have some kind of a porn addiction that is feeding this porn is a very addictive drug , they make it this way to hook you and many people do not realize it power so set him down ask him where this fetish is evoking from ask if it’s porn and work on it together good communication is key here

  7. Where would you like him to come?

    Tell him where you want it.

    Counter his turn ons with your own…re-direction…lol

  8. Tell him you’re now into scat play and you want to crap in his mouth and that he’s no longer allowed to cum on you until he lets you. Game over.

  9. Guy here with the same fetish. I prefer cumming in her mouth (almost always we have sex), and I love that she swallows. I guess I got lucky since she does that every time I want 😀 Sorry, I dont think this is helping you OP.

  10. For me I think it stems from when I was younger and being a virgin and watching a unhealthy amount of porn. I was like your husband for a while always trying my luck with finishing how I’d like. But my wife’s fetish is more of a breeding one and she likes me to finish inside of her. Our marriage is definitely the most unhealthy one because I have given up on anything that I would like because there is zero compromises and she always wins

  11. So the facial might be porn. Can’t rule that out as it’s purely visual. And the communication obviously leaves something to be desired. But otherwise, I have to ask…

    Why is it awful/disgusting/perverted for a man to enjoy orgasm? I mean, if another dude told me ‘yeah, I like sex and all, but the second my partner tells me she’s going to cum, that’s gross and we stop’, I would probably think that they didn’t really like women!

    So…why is it so very different when the tables are turned? Why can’t men have prefferences for non-PIV like women without being treated so harshly? Seriously, are we ‘less-than’ animals who could only possibly enjoy one sensation tied to reproductive success and nothing else?

    It might be a guy thing, but I’d argue it’s more of a human thing. Lots of humans like to orgasm!

  12. Honestly this is so vanilla I wouldn’t even consider it a kink, just a preference. Like if some guy likes ass or boobs better you wouldn’t consider him a sexual deviant, but here we are.

    You’re allowed to have boundaries and not like it, but it’s just another intimate part of sex so don’t shame him about it or accuse him of being a porn addict over something so vanilla I wouldn’t even consider it a kink. Some of the comments here are super sexist.

  13. This is definitely normal. Fortunately my husband never asks to on my face. But the same thing over and over gets boring.

    Sex is meeting in the middle, just like the rest of marriage. Is there anything you’d like him to do to you? How would you like it if there were, and he never wanted to do it?

    Honestly, cum is disgusting to me. And I don’t think you should give in to letting in in your mouth. But really, it wouldn’t hurt you to let him on anywhere else on your body. Just wipe it off and move on.

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