I didn’t pay attention to it for a while, but a week ago there was an incident that made me think about it. we talked with classmates, and any of those present was asking a question, to which everyone were answering. I felt that my opinion/response was being ignored, but I didn’t point it out. in the evening of the same day, I was chatting with my classmate, and he pointed out to me that I did not complete a single sentence that day, as I was interrupted. I almost cried the moment I realized this. I am not respected. And it’s probably my fault. I haven’t had this problem in all 16 years of my life, so it traumatized me, I can’t stop thinking about it. I understand that moving away and not communicating with them is not a way out of the situation, so I ask you for advice.

  1. I’m glad you had this realization. As an introvert, it’s hard to put yourself out there and make your voice heard. That was something that was an issue to me throughout college as well.

    The most effective phrase is “Excuse you. I am speaking” because it shows the other person they’re being rude (excuse you, rather than excuse me) and it uses a present-tense statement (I am, rather than I was). It’s also quick and makes the point very clear. If they proceed past that or continue with “Oh I was just saying” then you know they’re not worth your time. Ignore them and continue speaking. Hopefully your classmate will back you up, so you don’t feel like you’re going into this fight alone. In fact, ask them to help you the next time this situation occurs!

  2. There could be a couple different things going on.

    1. Different people have different communication styles and some people like overlapping conversations where everyone is talking at once and always interrupt each other. It’s normal for them. Other people like long pauses between people taking turns speaking. So there might be more silence in a conversation. So there’s some natural variation.
    2. Are you rambling, or taking a long time to finish your point? I have a friend who tells stories but has to give me like 5 years of backstory and side story and this other person once did this other thing… I often have to interrupt him and tell him to get to the point. We’re friends and I tease him about it, but I do try to listen to the whole thing.
    3. Some people are just rude and they only want to hear the sound of their own voices. In that case you can say “I’m still talking.” or “Let me finish my thought.”

  3. :/ I am so sorry this is happening ! I feel this so much with the last girl group I had. Honestly even if your rambling or not that is rude of anyone to do. It is lack of respect tbh. I agree with others on just standing ur ground and letting people know that you not done speaking. And if they think your rude feel free to say that your always being cut off! And if they feel some type of way after that’s on them. If they can’t respect you sis, atleast give some to yourself !!

    Lol I experienced this in my younger twenties with girls who would always cut me off because they would just get so distracted easily and just start talking to eachother even when I’m venting about problems. I decided to distant myself from them because I didn’t need that in my life and I wanted friends who valued my voice. If you wanna work it out with them and address the issue to them, great. I hope that there is progress and you are able to work it out. But if not – girly that’s ur sign . Wish u luck tho and update us !!

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