I graduated college during COVID and I feel like I’ve been stuck in limbo since. I work remote for a company four states away and I don’t really keep in touch with my friends from college since I live far away now. I have no idea how to make new friends/meet girls now that I don’t have classes or anything really as an ice breaker

  1. Hands down unless your a bar type of dude (I am not) joining any club is a good idea. There’s things like poetry clubs/ art classes/ or intermural adult sports/ corn hole at some bars/ music clubs.

    100% I think any club or extracurricular classes is a great way to meet people.

    There’s also some Facebook groups that are around for the same exact reason for people in their early 20’s mid 20’s trying to reconnect and make friends after Covid

  2. When I got out of the army and started college, I got a part time job at a rock climbing gym. It gave me a new hobby that kept me active and I became friends with all of my coworkers plus the regulars there. Now my main friend group is a bunch of active people who I share a fun hobby with! So I guess my advice is find a hobby that allows you to meet others.

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