I’ve been dating a girl for a little over 5 months now in a long distance relationship, we’re both teens. She uses snapchat pretty often and has snapstreaks with a lot of guys. Most of these streaks 200+, i asked her about it when we first started dating and she said they’re just random guys she added who she doesn’t know. She also has a few guys friends from school who she chats with daily. I don’t really care about any of this. Yet a few days I was on snap which i talk to no one but her on and have literally 0 friends on besides her. I saw a few girls i didn’t know added me so I added them back out of curiosity. 2 of the girls i barely talked to and our entire chat history was “hey” and “hey”. The other girl just sent streaks which were all just black screens or ceilings. My gf was aware of this the entire time and didn’t say anything. I didnt talk to the first 2 girls and just sent streaks to the 3rd one. Then the day after I added them my gf was acting off so I asked if something was wrong. She said she was uncomfortable with me adding and talking to girls on snap. She was regularly logging into my account and looking at the chats between me and the girls I added without telling me. I told her I wasn’t even talking to 2 of the girls and the other I just sent streaks to and my gf said she doesn’t care. I blocked all the girls but I find it weird that my gf can have streaks with dozens (and im not overexaggerating its literally dozens) of guys and regularly talk with other guys yet I can’t add a single girl? Any advice would be appreciated.

  1. If your partner is trying to control who you’re allowed to talk to, that’s a massive red flag. No one gets to control their partner’s friends. Also really worrisome that she logged into your account without telling you, apparently to monitor who you’re friends with. This is not what a healthy and respectful relationship looks like.

  2. Long distance gf? Do yourself a favor and end it now. You should ask out girls that you interact with irl.

    Forget about this controlling online relationship and meet people from your school, outside of school, or at coffee shops, etc.. Don’t waste time or energy on a girl you likely will never actually meet.

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