I (19f) have an IUD so I let my bf (m21) cum in me (without a condom) from time to time. I used to read a ton of smut on Tumblr and people always wrote that they could feel the cum shoot info them, but I’ve personally never felt it before. I know he actually cums too because feel it when it comes out after, but that’s it.

Do people actually feel it or is this some Tumblr bullshit?

I feel dumb asf for asking this btw

Edit: thank you everyone!!

  1. You’re not dumb as fuck. Everyone is different. Some guys are just natural dribblers when it comes to cumming, leaks out instead of shots out.

  2. Don’t feel dumb. I can’t necessarily feel my husband ejaculate inside me. Further inside the vagina doesn’t necessarily have many nerves, they are mainly at the opening. This doesn’t mean that others can’t feel it. Everyone is different.

  3. Erotica, like porn, are dramatizations of “real life” but are rarely actually *realistic*.

    In real life, not every bosom is heaving or penis turgid. And likewise, when it comes to ejaculation, the ability to feel it will greatly vary from person to person depending on the strength of ejacuatlion and its volume.

    I would wager it’s statistically *rare* for ejaculation to be detectable in most cases because the force and volume are relatively low.

  4. It’s just some Tumblr BS, I promise.

    My boyfriend has been cumming inside me for 10 years (also IUD). I have never *felt* his ejaculate hitting my walls.

    1. It’s not *that* roomy lol.

    2. A man’s ejaculate is a small pump, not a pressurized hose. *Thankfully* lol.

    3. The last and **most important** thing…. there are no nerves that far into the vaginal canal.

    Remember when you first got your IUD in and your partner (or you may have read) could feel the string initially but you never did? That’s because there are no nerves there.

    I encourage you or anyone to Google this further if you want to learn more. Hope this helps hon ♡

  5. This is one of those smutty pieces of erotic fiction that gets WAY over hyped.

    I am sure there are some women that can feel some men when they cum inside of them some of the times.

    But, I am going to make a fairly educated assumption that 99% of the time nobody feels nothing.

  6. It’s just fantasy writing. Some women *may* be able to feel it but my experience and reading others most women don’t feel the actual ejaculate. More they can feel the penis swelling and twitching as he cums. That’s been my experience as well.

  7. I’ve felt it a few times and I’m not sure what happened differently compared to me not usually feeling it.

  8. My wife can sometimes feel it. Not often. But every now and then, she’ll feel it. She always thinks that means it was an exceptional orgasm for me since it must have been a strong one. She’s… not wrong. When i say feel it, I mean the ejaculate itself, not any pulsating or throbbing. That she also feels sometimes. Sometimes not.

    Aside from giving her a satisfied chuckle, I don’t think it really adds anything for her.

  9. I can definitely feel it, it makes me quiver it feels so good. I didn’t know it wasn’t a thing for everyone.

  10. No lol people just play it up because it’s hot. You can feel his cock twitch but you can’t actually feel the stream hit you

  11. I dont think I’ve ever heard of this before actually. Can’t say I’ve ever felt it, sounds like an exaggeration from the internet.

  12. It’s generally bullshit. It’s possible to feel your partner cumming but usually you’d just feel the pulsing and only when conditions are perfect.

  13. It not BS at all.

    I’ve been able to feel when people have had an orgasm in me. Not all men shoot it out the same way though.

    The only time it’s less obvious is when I’m on top. Normally I can feel strong contractions of my partners penis and it feels so intense it gives me an orgasm.

    So maybe it’s just like how every clitoris is different. I have less feeling in the external part of my clitoris but more in the internal parts of my clitoris.

    Also, I would think that any woman who can not or does not orgasm from penetration, probably isn’t sensitive enough to feel a male orgasm in them.

  14. Some do, some don’t. I have on occasion, but not on every occasion. I think it has to be an especially forceful stream of a lot of cum to feel it, and not every guy cums like that. Even those who do might not every time. Also different women have varying degrees of sensation deeper inside the vagina. For this same reason, many women don’t orgasm from penetration alone. But some do. So basically, we’re all different.

  15. it’s not like u can “feel” it hitting inside but more like feeling it twitching for me

  16. From what I have read on Reddit, some women feel the cum fill them up, some feel thier guys dick pulse when he cums. I feel absolutely nothing. I’m like you. I only know he came cause there is cum leaking out of me.

  17. It was probably written by men. Most women I’ve cum in or asked about it do say they can feel it when a penis cums, but is more the flexing and pulsing of the cock and less the actual feeling of liquid pouring into them.

  18. Never feel it. I can feel the penis pulsing, but I can’t feel the cum onestly..

  19. There’s a wet feeling but I can’t tell if it’s from me or them unless it’s copious 😆

  20. I never felt it with any of my partners. There is nothing wrong with you or with people who can actually feel it. We are all different.

  21. I think it also depends on the guy. Some guy when they cum it “shoots” out while more often it’s a gentler release. You probably wouldn’t feel a guy’s cum inside you unless they have a pretty strong “shooting” effect.

  22. I’ve been told from some of my ex’s that it’s not that they feel the quantity of cum, like being filled. But they feel the heat and warmth of it. Like that warm buzz that the first drop of whiskey gives you? They said various comparisons. So I guess there’s a temperature factor sometimes

  23. I’m able to feel it. My husband and I are currently expecting so we take advantage of it every chance we get. When he ejaculates, I feel the warmth of it when it shoots out in my vagina. It’s a nice feeling and you could feel his penis almost throb in a way. Like I suppose it depends on the person. He is also well endowed so that probably helps with me feeling everything too.

  24. I find that it depends how my boyfriend cums, sometimes I can feel it as it shoots out but other times I don’t feel it. I’ve noticed when giving bjs that sometimes it does shoot out all over the place and makes a mess and other times it just comes out smoothly. This may be the difference of being able to feel or not!

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