I am usually good at conversation when I meet someone new but I find it hard to go from conversation to hanging out or staying in touch. How do I turn conversations into friendships?

1 comment
  1. More great conversations following an exchange of contact information. Everyone’s taste is different as to what contact methods they use and how close to the chest they play them. So it would likely be easier to, once it’s been established that you get along (and yes, after one conversation this would apply), ask them what their preferred contact info is and if they’d like to get a coffee or beer or something.

    Add: If these are folks that you interact with at work, then you have more options than it feels. I am of the opinion that most of a persons’ Work Friends might be better as just that. I have to interact with them every day, get things done – I don’t want likes/dislikes etc tied up in my job performance now. So I interact with my work friends while on shift, and sometimes get a drink after, and other than that we’re just coworkers.

    There’s no hard and fast rules though. Closeness will come with proximity. It may take a short while, or a long while, but being close friends with someone is a mix of time and compatability.

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