Did you enjoy your high-school years?

  1. Eh. I enjoyed parts of those years. Sports. Friends. Dating.

    But mostly it was lame and I’m so much happier now as an adult.

  2. It was very similar to having a job you don’t love. Mostly tolerable while you were there, but you’d rather be doing something else. Weekends were decent.

  3. They were fine, I was less encumbered by responsibility but also obviously more encumbered by not being an adult and just generally being a stupid angsty teen. It’s a trade off

  4. I mean they were fine. By no means we’re they like a teen movie. People who over romanticize them peaked in high school though.

  5. No. I was very depressed the whole time. The school part itself I didn’t mind, though.

  6. Not particularly. I was an awkward dweeb going to a podunk private school and my mom was very sick with cancer.

  7. Not really – bullying in schools, at least here in the US, is real and needs to stop. Parents, do your job.

  8. No. There were a few good things like having less responsibility, and a little fun here and there, but overall I didn’t like high school and felt like a misfit in the community where I grew up and wasn’t very happy.

  9. They were a great time, but I wouldn’t want to go back. We didn’t have much in the way of bullies because the principal was a large man prone to dealing out swats or expelled you if you picked on someone (70’s). I wasn’t an athlete, but I won the calculus advanced chemistry and physics awards and school was easy.

  10. I kind of loved high school. I enjoyed it very much at the time, and it set me up well to go to a good college and have a good career/life.

  11. It was mostly fine, but I wouldn’t want to do it all again.

    I do really miss being in the same place and on the same schedule as all my friends, though!

  12. I’m in high school right now and I’d say I’m enjoying it. The classes are fine and being on the tennis team has been a great experience so far. The most frustrating aspect for me was not being able to drive and barely having any money. However that seems to be resolving now that I’ve gotten a job and will be able to get my license very soon.

  13. I did, actually! Our high school fine arts program was nationally recognized, and I was a part of most anything that had to do with music, which seeded a life-long love of performance that I passed on to my own children. We’ve sung in all-age choirs together, although they’re both much more talented than I ever was. Their tone-deaf father cheers us from the audience, so it’s a family affair.

  14. No.

    I could have. I think there are a few decisions I could have made that would have made it a good experience, but I didn’t make them, either because I made the wrong choice or I simply wasn’t equipped to make a choice at all.

  15. It’s been so long since I was there, but I absolutely loved my high school years.

  16. Somewhat, but mostly no. We were dirt poor, and I was bullied a lot. Our 40th reunion is this year and I basically keep in touch with about 5 people from my school days.

  17. Kinda sorta. I enjoyed the friends, none of them lasted though. I didn’t go to dances, no friends went and parents had this expectation that I wouldn’t. And COVID began in 11th grade, so I was virtual for my second half of 11th and all of 12th(also second semester of 9th, but that was because of a school shooting threat that my parents freaked over).

  18. It was pretty fun the 1st 2 years but junior and senior years I never want to live through again. Nothing bad per se but everything became stale and pretty much the start of my depression

  19. I had a great time.

    My school was fairly small, about 600 students. I was friends with just about everybody in my class. We were a fairly tight group, we did not have a lot of kids leaving or coming to the school so it was mostly the same batch of kids from elementary school until graduation.

    I did all kinds of extracurricular activities and sports, did some of the classic pranks like toilet papering trees, skipped class to go to baseball games or an amusement park, had a few fun jobs, a reliable little car that was fun to drive, had a few strikes romantically but also a great girlfriend for senior year, got decent enough grades and test scores to get into the college I wanted to go to.

    Yeah it was pretty awesome.

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