Hello, does anyone have some good documentary on America war history after ww2, every invasion etc

  1. The Frontline catalog on PBS is quite good on getting a good idea of the complexities of war at a given time. They have maybe atleast 10 episodes for example on various aspects of the War on Terror and Iraq and Afghanistan. PBS has a subscription service that gives you access to all past episodes.

  2. A lot of colleges title a course “American History: 1945 to Present” or “American History: 1865 to present”.

    You can expect coverage of events such as founding of the United Nations, The Marshall Plan, Korea, Vietnam, Civil Rights, The Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, The Space Race, Perestroika and the Fall of the USSR, the rise of the Internet, NAFTA/Globalization, 1970s energy crisis and stagflation, AIDS crisis, handover of the Panama Canal, and others.

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