Do any of feel like you’re not very good at your job or the weakest in your team ?

I work for a great company where I’m surrounded by intelligent people. The only downside is that makes me feel like I’m one of the dumber ones. Even people that have joined after me, with less experience, I sometimes think have hit the ground running faster than me.

I know imposter syndrome is a pain but wondered if it’s a common thing or have any tips? Thanks

  1. It’s very common, and I feel it daily.

    Try and look back on the good you have done. And remember that even the best best people didn’t know anything at some point.

  2. Hah yeah, I have felt it a lot over the last 2 years.

    I was unemployed 3 years ago (and was unemployed for 3 years), suddenly I am interviewing people who are far more advanced than me from a professional perspective. Some of them are extremely talented business people who are earning an incredible living.

    Yet me, the former bum, is interviewing them for a job they are interested in. It seemed a bit ridiculous. Before every interview I was a nervous wreck doing breathing exercises.

    It has tailed off a bit now. Self-doubt isn’t going to get us anywhere. All we can do is try our best.

    I realised recently that I spent 2 years in constant anxiety about how I was out of my depth, but I haven’t had many experiences which proved this to be true. Quite the opposite, I think I have done really well. Give yourself some time and you will feel the same way eventually!

  3. Imposter syndrome is very real. I was the top sales person at the car dealership I worked at month after month, but I would see other salespeople make sales and I would not only feel like they were doing a better job than me, but I would get envious of their sales and their abilities

    Also, when I was top salesperson, I would beat myself up if someone was only a car or two behind me and convince myself that I had lucked into my sales and the others were actually better at their jobs despite me actually doing better. I was absolutely convinced that any second the gates would close and I would be exposed as a fraud.

    I had so much anxiety that I had to go see a therapist. The main thing I took away from that therapy is that you have to do self talk. Those corny affirmations lie “I’m good enough” and “I belong here”. Really worked to change the tape in my head.

    The anxiety still crops up, but I can recognize it and turn my head around.

  4. I used to feel this way. Then I started making notes – projects, people etc., then I noticed a trend. I was on par with the rest and/ or I was catching on very quickly. After a few years I was mentoring the new staff and the rest was in the books.

  5. I was told in the college to not be the smartest person in the room. It’s all about mindset. These people might be smarter than you, younger/older, less/more experience, etc. But what can they teach you? My grandfather said your goal should be to learn something new every day, large or small. Pay attention to what they do, don’t be afraid to ask why they did one thing over another, all that jazz.

  6. I couldn’t care less, y’all want to punish me for having leukemia? Pay me, lol.

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