What is one thing you must accomplish before you die?

  1. Well my goal is marry my current gf and live a successful healthy life. Treat people with respect, love myself, buy a nice house and spend the rest of my days happy with my gf while we build a family.

  2. I have no life goals. My only thing i want to not do is die curled up in the fetal position.

  3. I want to have at least one kid and I want to reach a point where my mortgage is paid off and I’m living debt free.

  4. I’ve checked off quite a few… it’s been a wild ride. I think at some point when I’m really old and just *over it* I’m gonna travel to wherever a righteous war is and die in battle for a noble cause. I’m not particularly equipped for that now, and I’ll be even more useless in another 35 years, but if there’s two things I’m really good at it’s explosions and riflery. We’ll see how my eyesight holds up.

  5. Having a huge garden, a huge fish room, and bird breeding project where each type gets enough space

  6. Give my parents the life they deserve and make them proud and travel the world

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