As in what was your favorite situation where another man/bro helped you out greatly when he didn’t have to ?

  1. A very good friend I have not seen in 15 years or better, we are 40 year friends, helped me out when I split with my ex. We did not need to stay next to each other to be “Bro’s.”

  2. Some guy said a small pp joke and everybody laughed. He then followed up with “small dick jokes are always funny”.

    Then I followed up with “and always true”, which got everybody rolling in laughter.

  3. My friends who never met my brother heard he got shot because I had a breakdown about it offered to pick me up and find the guy for me

  4. Recently watched the original Rocky Film with my son. He really enjoyed it. I thought he would get bored but he was with it all the way through. Watching his face at the end was pretty incredible. I could tell the realization washed over him. Rocky didn’t win anything. He went the distance with Appllo. Son just put his hands on his head, like wow! That was amazing! I think that was a pretty good bro moment.

  5. Any time I and another guy are admiring a woman, see each other, smile, and nod.

    No words needed, always a nice little thing.

    I’ve had it happen twice in my life, and I remember both in detail.

  6. I very recently lost my step father, over the past yearish when ever I’d hang out with my friend I’d let him know how he was doing, well when he finally passed and had the funeral my friend made sure to come and hang out with me so I wasn’t alone.

  7. When our senior saved me and 5 other kids from being exposed. He took the blame and served 3 weeks in ISS. He was a homie for life.

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