What you hate the most on period??

  1. Crying for no reason. Last time I was on my period, I cried because I saw a mama duck and her ducklings swimming in a lake. Another time, I cried because I went to Whataburger and they gave me regular ketchup instead of spicy. I just get so absolutely sick of myself, lmao.

  2. These days mostly the inconvenience of being on my period – having to have tampons on me, deal with them, etc.

  3. The issues when taking a shit. A mixture of constipation and diarrhoea that shouldn’t exist, but sadly does.

  4. My bloated feels so terrible I seriously feel like a whale. No offense to whales.

  5. how i treat others and my mood. i feel like i become unbearable, but i try to mask my anger since it’s not their fault

  6. Most of the things mentioned and still going to work.
    I got a complaint at work stating “I didn’t care or be kind” in my memory I needed to take two period poops and thought I was bleeding through. In addition I was experiencing big cramps that drugs didn’t help with. I did my job but not good enough for the work place. Now those days I just call in

  7. The pain. I have endometriosis which makes periods so incredibly painful. I would lie curled up on the couch for hours on end, not able to do anything.

    Last year I had my uterus and the top of my ovaries removed because of the endo. No more periods. 10 out of 10. Would do again. My life has gotten so much better when I no longer have that extreme pain.

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