Those with fish tanks, what kind of aquatic life forms do you have?

  1. Two Bala Sharks. Used to have angel fish and tiger barbs but they all died.
    Used to also have an Oscar fish before he died a while ago. He was an a-hole.

  2. i love gouramis so have a tank of them as well as a ruby shark, i went to a aquatics shop and saw a blue phantom pleco and id never seen one before so i had to get him, luckily my tank has a lot of ground space so he could live with the ruby. also got a handful of shrimps in there

  3. Some neon tetras, couple of cherry barbs, 2 amano shrimp, 1 dwarf pleco, and a whole bunch of little cherry shrimp 🙂

  4. Boesemani Rainbowfish, Angelfish, and a Clown pleco 😀 I’m saving up to get another tank with more semi aggressive fish such as cichlids and then maybe another with just fancy goldfish 😍

  5. I have two Black Moor Goldfish and one aquatic snail, they’re names are: Castiel, Eclipse and for the snail his name is Garrett. Like Garrett Turbo. Bc his shell reminds me of the turbos you put into trucks and stuff

  6. We’ve got one small tank with opae ula shrimp in it and a 29 gallon tank with a ton of snails, a bunch of shrimp, a panda corydora (all the others didn’t make it), 4 cardinal tetras, and maybe a dozen ember tetras.

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