Hey everyone, just a bit of background before I get into every thing. I (24M) started dating my currently partner (25F) when we were 18/19 respectively. Late 2021 we broke up for a period of about 8 months from my end for various reasons not relating to this.

Since we broke up, we both worked on lots of things to better ourselves and ended up talking again and started officially dating about 6 months ago. When we started talking again I said that it would probably take some time for my feelings to 100% grow back to what they were. She’s the most amazing person I’ve ever met and even when I broke up with her I still thought the world of her.

She has worked on herself a lot and does everything I could ever ask from a partner so I’m battling with myself why I don’t feel that desire or spark like I once did. I’m not sure if that’s normal for long term relationships and I’m just thinking back to the stage of uncertainty/excitement but I really do want it to work between us but I’m just worried I’ll be chasing that feeling forever and trying to force it to come back.

One part of me thinks I should have that feeling of desire/spark towards my partner but then the logical side of me thinks she’s an amazing person who I’m so comfortable with and it would be a huge mistake leaving her.

TLDR – I feel as if I’m losing the spark towards my partner even though she’s amazing and is everything I could ever want

1 comment
  1. >I’m battling with myself why I don’t feel that desire or spark like I once did. I’m not sure if that’s normal for long term relationships

    100% normal. The challenge is how to move to the next phase, where everything is not all sparkly and exciting. If you think she is amazing and all you could ever want, then you need to find ways to keep it fresh, even if it’s not going to be the same adrenaline-based ride you had at the start.

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