I know I’ll look crazy for asking, but he sent me a “hope you’re well” text yesterday, which I replied I am, and you? He said fine thank you. I said good.

So far nothing else. I was working and thought maybe he was there too, but had gone straight to his office to avoid me. He wasn’t there. But it made me feel sad (again). – This will be ups and downs, sorry people…

The “breakup” was like a week ago, during that week we were not talking well, and he knew I was sad – but I was sad because we were ending in bad terms for no reason, just a mess of communication. Then we apologized for everything and it ended in “good terms”

Since then, I haven’t talked to him. I mean…he rejected me. Right?

But then he sent me that. In a way, it’s a classic testing the water.

But then I think: why on earth will he ever want me back, if he doesn’t see me in his life (and with that he couldn’t enjoy the moment and didn’t let me enjoy it either)?

And he’s 29. This guy will “sort his life out” in a second as soon as he meets a new girl, his age, pretty (all girls are pretty nowadays), that knows how to play this game called love (they always know) and he will fall in love and suddenly he won’t feel like “he needs to work on himself before getting into a relationship” (because that’s BS for “not that into you, but I’ll turn you down softly”.


**Do you have any successful stories of someone dating you for a couple of days, rejecting you after 2 night of sex, big mess after** and then a “good terms” ending..**.And then coming back when you thought no way it would be possible?**

I mean, situations where you were absolutely sure you had no chance of ever getting back together, yet, it happened.

All the stories I know are for relationships. People who dated weeks, months, years. Not days…

I’d like to know.

Just to know if I’m holding on to something, or breadcrumbs, or not even that.

Thank you

  1. I had a guy come back. He begged for a second chance. Then tells me he’s sick when we’re supposed to have plans for a second date. Found out afterwards that he’s out with another girl

  2. Found out this girl had a boyfriend and was just wanted to be friends. Kinda drifted away and forgot about her and she calls me up one day, like 2 years later and we chat. Took me by surprise because I forgot her name but now shes falling head over heels for me and I’m just like, “woah dude, this ship already sailed.”

  3. He sends you a “hope you’re well” text.

    You write a wall of text on a dating sub. Just block him already. He broke it off with you, remember?

  4. mayb he was kind of missing you but i think the ship sailed, its time to move on

  5. Soooo many haha. I am 26f, never been in a relationship. Not for the lack of trying tho. I’ve wanted love since i can remember. Started college at 18 (before that, girls school + strict parents). Dated people left right and centre, i couldn’t find the one. The few boys that i DID like, wanted just a casual non exclusive thing, because they wanted to keep their options open. Even tho our vibe was amazinggg. disappointing, but fair enough, yknow. So I’d break it off and move on. This has happened with 7 guys by now.
    And after a while of no contact, they always come back, asking me to reconsider and almost begging to be with me.
    I don’t indulge in it cuz I’ve moved on, but still feels nice to close the chapter on that note.

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