My fellow Americans: do you find it odd that we have a popular frozen pizza brand named after an enemy combatant? Would you buy Tojo’s chicken nuggets?

  1. I always assumed it was because of Snoopy. The Red Baron was his idol. He fantasized about being himm

  2. I feel like he’s more of a really cool bad ass fighter pilot when planes were new. Like he was German, but still cool.

  3. I think it was that he was so acconplished and idolized as a pilot that it transcended his nationality.

  4. Well we do have General Tso’s Chicken depending on your personal views of General / Imperial Comissioner Zuo Zongtang

  5. He was the epitome of the honorable opponent, and fun fact, he had an uncle who lived in Denver.

  6. No. He was a popularly known pilot in a conflict from over a century ago and almost every country involved is now an ally.

    No one knows who Tojo is. Consumer products often use snazzy names and Red Baron is a pretty snazzy name.

  7. I didn’t know Red Barron was a real person. I thought it was more like a job title.

  8. Its probably because of Peanuts. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a massive fanboy for the series.

  9. Airforce aces tend/tended to get treated with more respect than your average foot soldier. I don’t find it any odder than the Colonel of chicken or General Tso.

  10. To be honest, I’m not so sure it’s common knowledge that the Red Baron was a real person, much less an enemy combatant. I think most people associate him with Snoopy from *Peanuts*.

    The Red Baron logo doesn’t even look like [Manfred von Richthofen]( If anything, he looks more like [Biggles](×777+0+0/resize/543×777!/format/jpg/quality/90/?

    All that being said, I don’t think World War I has anywhere near the moral baggage of World War II. We certainly aren’t going to have any Herman Goering-brand pizzas anytime soon (although perhaps he would be more [thematically appropriate]( as a junk food mascot).

  11. >> Would you buy Tojo’s chicken nuggets?

    He’s going to have tough going against General Tso’s Chicken.

  12. My toddler is very select on which chicken nuggets are acceptable so I don’t think if it’s not shaped like dinosaurs with the texture of Tyson I would consider it worth buying. I never stopped to contemplate the history behind frozen pizza or why there is a frozen pizza company named after a fighter pilot of any nationality. All I know it is it cheaper than Digorno and Freshetta.

  13. I’m not a big fan of frozen pizza, but I really like Red Baron.

    I’d buy Tojo’s chicken nuggets if they were delicious lol

  14. Eh, not really. I think most people who study WWI come to understand that neither side is exactly condemnable. The whole damn war was probably the dumbest and most pointless major war to ever be fought. So no one really stands out as a villain. So yeah, the Red Baron was “the enemy,” but he wasn’t a bad person? So it’s whatever to use his nickname.

    Now… Mussolini’s Pizza? Yeah, that would be in poor taste.

  15. WWI was a war of empires while WWI was a war of ideologies, meaning that saying Germany should’ve won WWI is VERY different from saying they should’ve won the other one. I mean imagine if there were to be a restaurant called とじょのにわとり which advertised their fresh meat.

  16. In the USA, we respect the Number 1 person. Even if that person is not American. The Red Baron was the best. So when you buy Red Baron pizza, you expect it to be the best frozen pizza. And to me it is. It’s the only frozen pizza I buy and I have been buying them for well over 30 years now.

  17. When I was a kid I always wanted to try it cause I liked the art on the box. Eventually I got to get one. It was honestly not that good. Idk of my opinions would be different now, I was like 10 so it’s been a decade and a half or so.

  18. I truly would only give a shit if they sold Hitler hamburgers. The rest doesn’t matter to me lol

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