In the past I’ve had a very hard time with obsessing over people especially over relationships and I’ve been dwelling on the past.
Now this obsession was not your average obsession, it was obsessing to the point that it severely impacted my everyday life and has been for many years.

I’ve accepted that I will not be in a relationship any time soon at all and it’s honestly okay, it does hurt that I’ve never been in a relationship before and people around me are having children and are building connections yet I’m not even in the position to even befriend guys but it’s okay. I’ll be patient and if an opportunity arises then I’ll go for it!

I think that the fact that I’ve been rejected many times and have had my time wasted has had a negative affect on me building relationships as I used to latch onto any guy that gave me attention. Recently I’ve noticed that ever since I’ve had an epiphany I’ve changed because this guy I was talking to was not making an effort and the replies were wayyyy too long. That already told me everything I needed to know. So I’ve just deleted him.

I used to also obsess heavily with people which did me wrong in the past (with an obsession which was creeping up to 3 years) I was holding an unnecessary grudge against people which were/are not thinking about me at all.

I’m going to therapy now but I think I’ve honestly had an epiphany and I’m ready to change, I’m ready to move on because this was having a severely negative impact on my mental health.

I still have a VERY Long way to go and I do have fears that I’ll be back in my negative state of mind again but right now, I’m doing everything I can to prevent it.

Thanks for reading 😁😁💕

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