Since it’s International Women’s Day Holiday, I thought I’d ask the lovely men of Reddit what they admire most about women?

  1. How strong and independent women can be. I love seeing women on their shit and not taking shit from anyone but who can also loving and caring at the same time.

  2. As a whole, nothing. Individually, there are a lot of amazing women worthy of admiration.

  3. Have gone through several relationships and i still can’t fathom when they poop

  4. how good they look when they are naked(the attractive ones obviously), and how good they feel when you touch their erogenous areas, and how good doing that makes you feel.

  5. Aside from the obvious physical things. I love how caring and nurturing women can be. I admire the strength it takes to grow and bring a whole other ass person into the world. I love the strong women who persevere despite the patriarchy trying to always keep them down.

  6. The willingness of mothers who kept their children despite the responsibilities and pain that come with that.

  7. I appreciate the individuals.

    I’ve met some really special people in my wife whom happened to be women. People who changed me for the better when men didn’t seem to care, or had already given up.

    I’ve met strong people in touch with their emotions. And people incapable of tolerating BS lol.

    My great grandmother would tell me how she’d pour beers into her garden when she wanted to perk a plant up. She was in her 80s and still trying to entertain stupid little kids like me.

    That’s a special person. And yeah, a woman.

    Different people are different people. I don’t know if there’s one thing that women have over me that I specifically admire, but I appreciate a ton of what they go through.

  8. Well physically it would be a repeat of what I am sure many have said earlier.

    But what I like the most is that they genuinely care and if you are sad, they try to cheer you up and don’t leave you alone even if you ask them.

  9. The general greater quality of writing and drawing, at least for 90% of women it counts

  10. As the entirety nothing, but for the few who choose to embrace it, their femininity, nurturing nature, the emotional aspect that they bring along with them, their ability to endure their periods and the physical, psychological strength and endurance during childbirth, etc.

  11. *shrug* I’ve met some amazing ones and some…less so.

    There’s no universal thread like that.

  12. Sisterhood.

    That shit is dope af. Y’all can meet a random ass woman and automatically be friends and do shit together.

    Dudes can definitely get crazy and act goofy with each other but not off the bat like that.

  13. How much they love wine. Till this day I highly doubt that Jesus died a virgin if he could turn water into wine? Plus Mary would’ve been a definite wine mom.

    Mary: Jesse! Mommy needs a refill!

  14. The desire to make babies.

    Seriously, y’all want to go through that multiple times??? I mean all the stories about the vomiting, mood swings, and then requiring painkillers and maybe a C-section to give birth to the baby… That sounds MISERABLE!! AND Y’ALL SIGN UP FOR MORE!!! Madness!

  15. I appearicate the women in the job fields that work hard day in a day out to keep society running. Such as the women in hospitals for example amougst other things.

    I also appearicate my female friends I’m super close too, my girlfriend, my mother, My sisters who I’m super close too and other women in my life I care deeply about.

  16. I always have a special appreciation for women who don’t fall prey to sexist agendas

  17. I guess the fact that they exist? Having any more specific opinion about a group that big is pretty much impossible.

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