Single men of Reddit how often do you honestly change your bed sheets?

  1. I rotate between two different beds and the couch in the basement with no rhyme or reason but I’m washing one set of sheets or the other every 2-3 weeks.

  2. I only have one set, but I wash them every Sunday. When they start to wear out, I buy a new set and replace them.

  3. Honestly, I only ever do if I think I might be bringing someone over.

    Other than that, it’s not like it gets that dirty. I just gotta brush the crumbs off and throw away my tuna wrappers, and it’s good enough for me.

  4. I don’t change the sheets and use the same ones depending on season, but wash sheets weekly, and wash pillows and duvet monthly.

  5. Give ’em a wash every month, among with the blanket and pillow case. Do it in the morning – by night they are ready to be used again.

  6. Weekly. I’ve been doing my best to improve on keeping the bedroom clean. Cleaning up trash, keeping up with laundry, changing the sheets weekly, and dusting/vacuuming. Got an air purifier as well. I’m a stay at home dad and my wife comes home tired from work. I do my best to make the place we sleep comfortable and clean.

  7. Probably like once every 3 weeks or so

    Reason being:

    Who am I even having over to keep appearances?

  8. When I was single, I usually changed them weekly. Very rarely went more than two weeks.

  9. About monthly, give or take, if I anticipated ‘company’ I would likely clean on a more regular basis.

  10. When I was single, weekly along with towels. My dog and cat to a lesser extent get them dirtier faster.

  11. It hasn’t changed since I’ve been married. It’s always been once a week and I probably change my head pillow sheet one more time mid-week.

  12. Once a week.

    Unless they get soiled somehow. Like if my dog got sick and threw up.

  13. I think I honestly went like 5 months before my latest wash. Not proud of it but I’m a single lazy bastard

  14. Reading comments there is a divide in single men that needs to be made:
    Those who have access to a washing machine at any time

    Those who have to pay for the use of a washing machine.

  15. Apparently I’m in the minority and I’m going to say months potentially – I have no clue. Maybe if I’m having a guest sleep in my bed or having a sexual partner over. I’m sure I’m a little nose blind but I’m not positive why I would go through the hassle unless they smelled or were visibly dirty. Maybe I just don’t sweat that bad?

  16. When I was single I had the whole weekly routine of washing, ironing and changing my bed sheets. Made me feel more at home in my tiny rental apartment.

  17. Oh boy….. not nearly enough. I noticed a big tear in my sheet a month ago, instead of replacing it I just rotated the sheet. I’m single and have a big bed.

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