Hellooo long time lurker but first post (on a new account)

I (f23) have been dating my boyfriend (m29) for about six months now and things are going great but I feel very conflicted about this one thing.

He’s a very lovely character with an abundant amount of interests and hobbies and I was (and still am) very attracted to his excitement for such a wide variety of things. He’s also very detail-oriented doesn’t like to ‘half-ass’ anything. He sees all his hobbies all the way to the end. An example of his dedication to his craft would be, if he wants to collect something he’ll make sure to research the current state of it, as well as the history of it, and even takes the time to talk to other people who collect the same thing that he meets along the way. He applies this work ethic to his hobbies but also to his actual work, and taking care of me. Every single meal he cooks is absolutely amazing. I love that about him and feel myself getting very immersed in the way he views the world.

Out of all his hobbies, the one that I was super surprised by was cosplay. Apparently he ordered a bunch of really cheap cosplays of anime and video game characters off of some sketchy Chinese website when it was dirt cheap and he put them on for fun by himself and sometimes out on Halloween. That’s what got him started but he still orders new characters from time to time. They’re a mix of both male and female characters but it’s mostly female and a lot of dresses. At first I was unsure, but he introduced them into the bedroom by asking me to dress up for him and it ended up being a lot of fun. Somehow they fit me just right and I really like the way he looks at me. For a couple weeks, he would non-stop talk about all the other cute maid dresses and accessories he would get for me and he would send me screenshots that I might like. I felt conflicted because although I do love his enthusiasm and passion, the relationship was still pretty new and I didn’t want it to be too sex-oriented. Sex IS an important part of relationships but I’ve been in one where it was a BIG part of it and it didn’t feel great. It just seemed like it was all that was on his mind at that time. Eventually, I think he sensed my hesitation because the topic was brought up a lot less.

Since then, however, he’s brought up purchasing a fursuit. I told him quite bluntly that although I admire all his hobbies and interests, I don’t really enjoy furries, the furry culture, and find fursuits kind of creepy. I don’t remember what his first reaction to my comment was but he’s brought it up a bunch more times afterwards. Sometimes I go along with it like “haha you should get one from Five Nights at Freddie’s” or something idk and other times I cringe. But he brings it up A LOT. At least once every time I see him. It feels like he’s taunting me and it’s our banter but sometimes it feels like he’s vetting me so that when he’s very serious about it, it’s not as shocking after all the exposure. Another subject that he brings up in this very similar fashion is ‘cum’. Like he’ll randomly drop questions like “what would you do if I just came on your feet right now” while we’re doing the most mundane thing like eating dinner. Or I’ll ask him about his day and he’ll respond with “I’m going to go grocery shopping and probably c\*m when I get back.” I think he’s memeing but it’s just kind of gross sometimes???

He’s so perfect and dreamy in every single way but this last part sticks out to me. I honestly don’t know what to do or even if I should be doing anything. I’m pretty good at voicing concerns but I’ve gotten feedback from many other people that sometimes I’m very loud about my needs and not very considerate of others that it makes them walk on eggshells around me and that’s absolutely not something I want for my partner. I’m afraid to ask him to stop saying certain things because I don’t want him to censor himself. At the end of the day, he should be able to come home and be himself and comfortable. I know that once I ask him to stop saying things, he will NEVER, EVER say them again because that’s the type of person he is but it feels almost like erasing parts of his personality.

I think what I’m looking for is any advice in encouraging a more comfortable environment (less… furry and cummy? but still honest??) for us, but also maybe just a different perspective so I can look at this situation another way and resolve my feelings without taking any action.


TL;DR I (f23) have been dating my boyfriend (m29) for a couple months and he says random things that I don’t super like but also don’t super hate and I don’t know how to deal with these feelings.

1 comment
  1. I think you just have to tell him how you feel without it coming off as you are disgusted by it (which I don’t blame you for lol).

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