What is the best way to ‘ghost’ a toxic friend?

  1. Is it any more complicated than removing them from your contacts and not speaking again?

  2. Ghosting is for cowards who can’t handle confrontation.

    Especially if it’s someone you know, all ghosting will do is hurt that person and may make them worried about you.

  3. Block and stop answering. Or grow some balls and tell them you don’t want to be in their life anymore

  4. How to ghost someone:

    Step 1: literally do nothing

    Step 2: continue to follow step 1

  5. To his face, like a man.

    “Hey man, I don’t want to hang out anymore because XYZ. Best of luck out there, please don’t contact me again.”

  6. I just explain to the friend that what they are doing is toxic. Maybe they are unaware of their behavior isn’t healthy. I’d wonder if the person had communication issues if they haven’t mentioned anything to this ‘toxic’ friend yet.

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