What are your biggest fears?

  1. Being paralyzed from the neck down

    Being eaten alive by a hungry bear

    Losing my mind to dementia or brain tumor or something of that nature

    Like, a bunch of stuff happening to my dick

  2. Burning alive
    Being eaten by a beast while alive and conscious
    Spiders and snakes

  3. Dying alone and unloved, paralysis, dimentia/alzheimers, failing my children in a way that causes them to have to endure some of the things I did.

  4. I used to think I was fearful of heights but it is that sudden stop after freefalling which is the killer.

    I used to think I had a fear of failure but if I had a bunch of money then I wouldn’t have any issues trying something out. I just dislike wasting money.

  5. Being kept alive while trapped in my own body with no means to communicate whatsoever and no solution or treatment to improve my condition.

    At that point, just let me die or put me in a chemically-induced coma so I can live happily in my dreams.

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