Hi, where to begin, let’s see, I’m a man in college and this semester I made friends with this group with the same or similar major and is also mostly women. I had really no intentions just friends as I was a transfer student, and hadn’t really made friends yet with anyone. anyhow a month and a half later I am now seeing one of them on a more intimate way (this is a couple days old atm), and I’ve come to learn that the one I’m seeing had made a deal with her friend that she wouldn’t pursue me, so her friend could pursue me, but I ended up pursuing the other one on my own, the main problem is the first night i really started to get intimate with the first one the second had asked me if I would join her on a one on one dinner the next night, after the group had finished working on an assignment due the next day, which would put us eating at like 1am, needless to say I was unsure as to if this was a request for a date or just a friendly late night dinner, additional note most of them are either gay or bi so I don’t like to assume anything, anyhow me and the first girl are hooking up after class but before we were gonna be going to the group study session, our relationship at this point was two days old, and we eventually stop when we’re both hungry, so we both go eat, and now we’re running late to the group study session, and all of the others have been texting me when I’ll be there, so I’m not responding because we’re already on our way, anyhow me and the girl I’m seeing walk in together, because I’m really not about secrets, but half the group isn’t here, including the second girl, note at this point I’m 2hrs late and it’s 9pm. the two that are there clearly have put two and two together so we all make side remarks joking about it, but never directly saying anything, just for fun. anyhow I never text back girl 2 and I see her in class the next day (today), and I’m getting the cold shoulder, and at this point I know what’s wrong I’m not as dense as this may all sound, but I do confirm by inviting some of my closer friends in the group to get food with me after class. this is where I find out about girl 2’s deal with girl 1, and how they traded me like property, this is also where I learned that girl 2 thinks I stood her up because I was late to the group study session. (please note I’ve done nothing to suggest interest with girl 2) now comes the problem I need to address evidently the group has been gossiping about this for a while now, and there’s opinions forming and lines being drawn. The survival of this group of friends who share majors and will see each other everyday for the rest of their college careers, rest on me…

my current plan is to end things with girl 1 for a couple reasons, which I can expand on, and to tell girl 2 I’m sorry I didn’t respond to her text on Wednesday, then ask her why she was so cold to me today when she wasn’t even at the group meeting. and then when she feels the need to tell me how she feels explain to her how I feel, then I plan on asking both of them to apologize for making deals about me like I have no agency of my own, then I want to ask them to make amends with each other. and lastly I plan on telling the group as a whole to quit gossiping about relationships within the group as it is what has almost tore this group apart as people are slowly getting hurt as the gossip spreads.


I’m looking for any tips I can get I want the group to stay together, whether the two girls stay in it or leave, but I can’t pick one and not the other. they’ve both been ridiculous. please help!!!

1 comment
  1. Do be clear that you didn’t like being talked about and traded around like you are property with no agency. However that “now shake hands, say you’re sorry, and kiss” thing might be taken badly – they also have the agency to start drama on their own, without your “permission”. 😉

    Don’t explicitly mention how you’d like the group dynamic to be, that will just sound condescending.

    Remember if the group falls apart it will not be your fault. Stay sane. Peace out. ✌️

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