Sounds about right

  1. Thankfully neither my wife nor I have the sound on for game playing or if we browse instagram.

  2. Marriage is your spouse strategically standing directly in front of the drawer you need to open.

  3. Marriage is having a morning routine and your spouse being sporadic and messing with your routine 😆

  4. Nope. We set the phone down when we both sit next to each other until we’re sure our attention isn’t needed/expected and when/if we pick it back up the volume is all the way down.

  5. Im scrolling reddit while listening to a twitch steam and have to keep turning up my open back headphones cause i can hear what my wife is listening to across the room almost as clearly as the stream.

  6. Or talking loudly during a show you’ve never seen but they have, and them not shutting up to let you watch the show…aka my husband 🤣

  7. Really? My wife and I each pick a show to watch. If I can sit through Blind Love then she can watch another true crime show. We also make sure we mix it up. But one thing that we agree is that if we are doing something together then we will respectfully engage.

  8. Marriage is about telling your partner to do/not do the minor things you want for years without avail.

  9. Loud obnoxious TikTok’s followed by giggling followed by “hey baby! baby?! Watch this it’s sooooo funny!” You had better watch that TikTok and bust out an Oscar nominated performance like it’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen or else your show is over.

  10. Mine says he will watch a show with me then play games on his phone and ask what’s going on when I react to something. Why I don’t watch my favourite shows with him

  11. I hope not. My late wife and I had tv shows we’d watch together, and tv shows neither made the other sit through. Although occasionally one of us would hear the tv and the show sounded better than our initial impression. That’s how I ended up watching The Good Place, and she ended up watching Archer.

  12. God yes But mine sits on the other side of the room and when you ask them to turn it down they can’t hear you cos the TV’s to loud lol 😂

  13. That’s what my 11 year old son does. My husband stands by the tv and tells me the end of movies.

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