**Find 2 Meetups or Events in your city (or online) to attend in the next 4 weeks.**

👉️ **What to do:**

Find 2 Meetups or Events in your city to attend in the next 4 weeks.

One of my readers shared a mindset about meetups that really struck me:

“I’ll go once, just to see if I like it.”

This is a GREAT mindset and one that I suggest you adopt ASAP. As you’re looking for events, keep that mindset in mind.

If you find a meetup that you’re REALLY excited to attend, fantastic!

If you find one that you’re only kind of excited about, attend anyway! You might be surprised at what you end up liking.

For a couple of years, my wife attended a knitting group every Monday. She wasn’t super into knitting, but she loved the people she connected with at the group.

Use Meetup, or Google [Your City] + [Events] + [Current Month] to see what events are happening near you.

If you’re really feeling stuck, [check out this post on places to meet new people.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/qo5g5o/a_client_asked_me_for_ideas_on_places_to_meet_new/)

If you live in a smaller city, or it happens to be a slow month, feel free to look for online events too!

👉️ **Why you’re doing it:**

As we become more social, it’s crucial to seek out new opportunities to connect with other people.

🔴 **Does this challenge feel too hard?**

Find one meetup or event in your city (or online) to attend in the next 4 weeks. Make it something that you’re *really* excited about attending.

🟢 **Does this challenge feel too easy?**

Find three Meetups or events in your city (or online) to attend in the next 4 weeks.


**Be sure to follow u/Jeffcallahan3 so you don’t miss the next challenge!**

[Missed a challenge? List of all challenges here](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jeffcallahan3/comments/11b2pmb/social_skill_challenges_master_list/)

1 comment
  1. cc’ing these people because I know ya’ll were interested in future challenges:


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