My bf (22m) and I (22f) have been together for almost 3 years. We legit have like no nice photos together lmao. It sometimes makes me sad because I love taking photos/videos for memories but whenever we have the opportunity to take photos, it’s just not good timing, either one of us don’t like how we look, the background/setting isn’t right, or we just want to live in the moment. Then I get on tiktok and some couples have been together for like a month and have such nice photos haha. Anyone else have this issue?

TL;DR: my bf and I have no nice photos together. Anyone else have this issue?

  1. Yeah, I don’t. It’s hard to take photos with one’s self in it (although much easier than it used to be, I admit). And I don’t like photos of me generally anyway. But we’re old and got together before camera phones, so we never got into the habit of lots of couple’s photography.

    If you really want those pics though, why not make a fun day of it. Dress up – maybe in multiple ways like fancy and silly and whatnot, and take some photos together.

  2. Honestly, I think it’s more important to enjoy the moment than worry about taking perfect pictures. Memories are what matter most.

  3. Yes, but we are an older generation. We went to a special Valentine’s dinner at a local restaurant, in part because a Photographer would be there. Even though we were a little bit awkward, we went up there for several shots to be taken. we really liked one and ordered it and now have it on our fireplace mantle. You might look for events that have photographers present.

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