Women who got rejected, what was your reaction and response?

  1. To get better and try again until he caves. Works every time 50% of the time !

  2. To be honest I was really hurt. More because of how much time I wasted on this crush then actually getting rejected. I cut him off so I could move on and now I’m happily married and I literally have no idea what he’s doing because I don’t care.

  3. I actually got rejected a few days ago. I was at a bar and thought one of the waiters was really cute. I waited until my group was leaving, asked him if it was ok if I flirted with him and told him I found him beautiful and would like to give him my number.

    He was flattered and told me that he appreciated what I said, but he was seeing someone else and that person was important to him.

    I told him there was no need to apologize and wished him all the best with that person. I walked out of that bar with a smile, because I managed to make someone feel good and was happy for them. Rejection isn’t a bad thing and I really don’t get people who are offended or seriously hurt by it.

  4. I got rejected sooooo many times before I met my s/o. Rejection is normal, it’s part of life. It bothered me sometimes (especially when I was in my early twenties) and made me feel like there was something wrong with me, but I used these feelings to focus on myself, until faith finally brought me with the person who was meant for me (when I was almost 30).

  5. Depends on the rejection. I’d just walk away when people were rude or insulting. If they responded politely, I would acknowledge their answer and wish them a pleasant day/night.

    I don’t take it personally, it’s simply the difference between “that’s sweet, but no, I’m not interested” and “as if anyone would fuck you, you thirsty [insert slur here].

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