How do you get to know a girl without feeling nervous or anxious?

  1. I’m almost always nervous or anxious, but getting to know people really helps me with those so maybe I’m the opposite of who should be answering this question

  2. You don’t. That is normal. Sometimes a little anxiety just means something really good is about to happen.

  3. If you feel yourself getting nervous, pay more attention to her. If you concentrate sufficiently on the matter at hand, you forget to get nervous. Its an old acting trick.

  4. You have to not care whether she likes you or not. Be the best version of you that you can and if she doesn’t like it, you aren’t a good fit.

  5. look her in the eyes and realize – she is just as nervous and anxious as you are. Take a breath and relax. You are just about to have a good time, and that is all it has to be a good time.

  6. Stop caring. At the initial contact, she’s literally no more important than any other random stranger in the world.

  7. It’s like working out, you’d push through if you knew what happened afterwards.

  8. The only way I know is to stop thinking about impressing her and getting genuinely curious about who she is whether she’s might be right for you.

  9. Just remember to enjoy the conversation. If you don’t enjoy it, you probably aren’t into her.

  10. By realizing they are people just like another dude. If you feel attracted to her you are always going to get the butterfly feeling, but just being your normal self is always a good bet.

  11. Those are good signs. It means that you are invested in things going well.

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