I usually try to keep money in my shared account but lately I get the gut feeling that he is using money where it shouldn’t be used. I feel bad a little but then I remember that I bust my ass to make what I make and I deserve to save it as i see fit

  1. This is called putting a band-aid on a broken leg. It might make you feel better, but it ignores the problem.

    My wife and I have no separate accounts.

    If you think he is using money where it shouldn’t be, then you should address the problem.

    Taking the attitude of *”it’s mine”* is no better than whatever you think he is doing.

  2. There should be transparency to where you both can see every financial transaction across every avenue. This is being a family and you shouldn’t need any gut feeling–you should be able to see every penny he spends (and vice versa).

    And there should be an agreed-to amount that if either of you wants to spend above that amount, then a conversation must be had. You two set that number and it might be $50, might be $150, might be even higher (or lower).

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