I got acquainted with this guy who has cheated on his gf multiple times with multiple women and still continues to do that. Going as far as even calling himself “shameless”. I mean you know what you’re doing wrong buddy wtf what in the world are you doing man!!!!!

  1. The same reason for the women who do it they are cowards who aren’t brave enough to break up with someone they obviously don’t care about.

  2. When it was me, I didn’t give a shit. When you hate yourself, it’s asking a little much for you to care about anyone else.

    Yes, I was going through a depression. Yes, I got over it. But I was in college at the time and, you know, stuff happens. I’m not saying it’s a good thing, just being honest.

  3. Because being bad feels good sometimes and if one is not experiencing negative consequences then there’s no reason to stop. Either he’s very good at hiding it from his partner or she’s in denial or thinks she deserves it, maybe thinks he’ll change, or she’s getting something else out of it so forgives him.

    The ‘shameless’ part, well some men don’t have to hide it from their friends because they know their friends won’t tell; they’re probably all doing it.

  4. Because that’s what alpha men do!
    You don’t get to 30 bugaaahtis without cheating on bitches.

    You’re not a ReAL MAAaaN until you intentionally fuck with women by fucking multiple women.

  5. Because he has access.

    He is somehow appealing to a lot of women, so his advances are often accepted, and he is enjoying his situation, did he have a GF or not. that’s just a minor irrelevant thing to him.

  6. When I was in university, I studied with a group of guys that would all boast about cheating on their girlfriends. One day, I asked one of them why they cheated so much and, after a shrug, he responded with “because I can”, which caused the other guys to all chuckle. I feel like that sums up the reasoning of a lot of serial cheaters.

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