This is going to be long, sorry in advance. My first time posting (hence throwaway) or talking to anyone about this so please be gentle 🙂


My gf and I are high-school sweethearts, we’ve been together for 6 years now. We started having sex quite early into the relationship, when we were both 17 and living with parents. I was her first, and she was my second (with my first it happened just twice, so no experience difference). At first, as always happens, everything was great. Things started to ween off and sex frequency started to decrease, which I was not very happy about. I have a very high libido and think I could have sex once or twice a day, while she seems more the once a week type, not even. She never really got very wet without stimulation, which was ok but I didn’t really feel like she was as attracted to me as I was to her – I always get instantly hard seeing her dressed sexy or naked.

When I turned 18, I moved away to another country for university (I am a year ahead of her education wise), about a 1.5 hour flight away. We decided to do long-distance for a bit, which I hated, and then when she decided to start university back in our home country, I broke up with her. 3 months later she decided to quit university there and move to where I lived, and start a new degree.

Those 3 months were the best of my life sex wise. I had a couple of flings with girls from university, who I felt were drooling over me. One asked me while cuddling, before we had ever had sex if I liked “watching icecream melt before eating it”, which drove me completely nuts. The other got wet enough to feel it through 3 layers of clothes after a date, which I didn’t even think was possible. My girlfriend also came to visit quite often and was feeling the ‘competition’, so we had frequent sex and she went out of her way to do the things I liked.

After that, she moved in with me and we started living together. At first, sex was ok but again things started to get bad very quickly, with frequency decreasing.

Now, after living together for close to 2 years, we have sex maybe once every couple of weeks, it always seems like she’s doing me a favour, she never brings it up and never gets wet for me. I am always the one trying to make sex better, i suggested and bought sex toys, I recently purchased []( for us to try, she has not opened it once. During sex, I **always** make sure she orgasms, be it from my hands, a vibrator or her doing it. She takes quite long and even if I am inside of her, a lot of the time she asks me to stay still, which leads to me going soft.

She hasn’t given me a handjob in quite a long time, and she has never made me cum with a blowjob, which are also infrequent – it usually happens before PIV.

At this point, I’m very frustated sexually, I usually masturbate about once a day or once every couple of days without her knowing, 99% of the time when I try starting something, kissing her, building sexual tension she pushes me away or tells me “not now”. I love pleasuring her and want more opportunities to do so, but she’s not giving them to me. Another thing that really frustrates me and makes me feel like shit is that I can’t get her wet without rubbing, but she reads erotica and gets wet from that.

I’ve expressed my frustration and concerns to her multiple times with promises of improvement, but nothing has happened yet.

Help me reddit, should I keep trying or just break up? I love her with all my heart but feel like I’m wasting my 20s with someone who doesn’t want me.


edit: I have suggested she go to a gyno or psychologist to see if she has any medical condition leading to a low libido or dryness, and she has never done it

  1. Interesting man, people definitely have different sex drives I think many would say sexual comparability is very important in a relationship and sex seems important to you maybe it would be best to find a new partner or maybe try an opened relationship.

    I do know it’s important to not make her feel bad or uncomfortable for not getting wet to you that will definitely not help your situation.

  2. Her getting wet likely has nothing to do with you, unfortunately some people struggle with getting wet and there’s nothing they can do about it, while others get extremely wet.

    Are you happy in every other aspect of your relationship? Is it worth it to you to keep her, while you’re not happy?

    Do you feel like you may end up resenting her because of your sex life?

    Just some questions to ponder, its up to you at the end of the day. If you’re happy enough with her to stay or not.

  3. Sorry dude, but this will not improve, if anything it will get worse.

    Been there, it’s awful.

  4. I just read the title. Bottom line you will be unhappy forever if you stay. There’s nothing wrong with her, it’s just a bad match of sex drive. It’s not more complicated than that.

    When your partner is driven, things have to be REALLY bad in the relationship for it to affect sex much.

    So save yourself a boatload of pain and future bitterness and cut it off.

  5. Yelp,get out will not ever get better and you will have a affair,she will take half your shit.

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