I’ve lost my virginity about 2 weeks ago and husband and I have been doing it everyday since then . Since yesterday there’s some discomfort, this strange pain won’t go away, I thought it’d go away. I’ve checked if there is any issues but it’s like the bone around that area is what’s hurting. It doesn’t hurt inside, was kind of swelled or something, it’s better now.

  1. Micro tears. Can take weeks to heal, so small you can’t see them. You can get them from rough sex maybe not enough lube. So the friction caused it. Even wiping your vagina too hard when peeing can cause micro tears. Or pulling out dry tampons.

    Maybe a UTI? After all the new sex. Have you been peeing after sex because that’s important. Also keeping the area clean.

    Probably minor but go to a doctor if it doesn’t change. In a couple weeks or so.

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